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Sep 16, 2004
Vista, CA
Went to Fry's yesterday. I picked up a book and went down this long isle to get in line to pay. The person that usually tells you when cash register to go to was missing. So, I looked down the long row of cash registers, 30 or more with no lights , but lots of people milling around behind the long counter. I walked down the row, placed my purchases on the counter and walked toward the exit door. There were five or six people with bags and receipts waiting to get checked out, by the check out person. Very near the checkout person, there were three employees talking but not doing any work. As I started to walk out past the line one of the three said I had to get my receipt checked before I could leave. I said I did not have a receipt, and he answered that I had to have one or I could not leave. I said okay and walked out the door where I was met by another person that stopped me an asked for my receipt. I held up my hands and said I have no receipt because I did not buy anything and he said "Oh!" and went back into the store. Is having a job at Fry's some kind of welfare assistance?
i have always hated fry's, especially the one off aero drive by qualcomm stadium... there are so many checkout registers that they pay someone to tell you which one is open, and they have to stand on a box to see which ones are open...

then when you head to the door you can be assured that if you walk out the door without a highlighter pen being swiped across your receipt and your bags being searched you will get gang tackled, walmart has started this too in some areas.... really makes you feel like you're being treated like a criminal, they have to look over your receipt, then look in that bags and make sure nothing is there that is not on the receipt, then mark it with a highlighter...

i hate fry's.
I am ok with that, but the problem I have with Fry's is after I started working for Maxtor.

We sell all of the drives that didn't get approval from large OEM to Fry's. They will buy everything if the price is low enough. We did it, and everyone else did it.

I once saw a PCB with hand soldered resistor on an IBM drive, and one white box 12x Pioneer CDROM I got years ago from Fry's was never balanced and would humm and wobble even with 8 screws down and a brick on the case. A 802.11g card I got from there was never reliable for more than 3 hours.

Now I use techbargains to find good deals on better stores like Bestbuy, CompUSA, or DELL and/or other online stores like Newegg and zipzoomfly.

No more Fry's for me.
Here in the Bay Area places like electronics stores and The Home Depot hire only bag checkers with special skills like X-Ray vision or ESP (Previously airline baggage checkers?). Those folks, who represent the last line of defense against theft, never really check what's in a bag or cart, but only put a check mark on the receipt.
Naw, the automated checkouts that are replacing cashiers are there to keep people honest.
Home Depot here does the receipt check. Even if the security "checker" is watching me check out, they still ask to see my receipt. I open the plastic bag and let them dig the receipt out. I know they are only drones following policy but it really irks me. Lowes does not do this. Yet.
Their checkout area is long and makes it hard to see who is open. The one I've been to (Palo Alto) the cashiers would call out I'm open. Sometimes they wave something. Only once was there someone there telling customers which register is open. When you first walk in to the store, sometimes theres someone there to greet you and they look at you in a way that you might steal. Exit doors there is like one person there marking the receipt. So you have to wait to leave the store if there is a long line. Stuff there isn't really low priced. I usually go to CompUSA.

The thing I like about Fry's is their store theme. Palo Alto one is a wild west theme.
never been in a Frys, but it sounds like the local Home depot. 20 registers, store full of people, 2 registers going. Havent been back since the Lowes opened.

Originally posted by lpcmidst128:
The thing I like about Fry's is their store theme. Palo Alto one is a wild west theme.

I've been to that Fry's, and that was the first and last time I ever go into a Fry's. Wild oriental bazaar theme is more like it. Nasty disgusting marketplace. Only WM is worse.
I wonder if stores can legally make you show proof of purchase. Something about innocent until proven guilty comes to mind. I'll put up a fuss on my yearly trip to WM to buy oil in a few weeks, and see what happens.

I'll put up a fuss

When they ask me to show them the receipt, I tell them they'll have to go fish it out of the bag themselves. So far none has refused to do that.
I sometimes hand the drone at the Fry's door a Grocery reciept from another store, which he dutifully marks with his pink felt pen.
I put up with the receipt checking and highlighter swiping bit at Costco, but there is no way I would ever put up with that somewhere else. Since I am three times the size of the average person, let them try to tackle me.
A quick search found this web page:

Are Door Bag Searches Legal?

Yes, as long as the inspection is voluntary. No, if the bag check is involuntary or coerced. This is a rather fine legal distinction that is subject to misunderstanding and abuse. Basically, nothing in the law gives the merchant the right to detain a customer for the purpose of searching a shopping bag unless there is a reasonable suspicion of retail theft. See my web page on Shoplifting: Detention & Arrest for more details

A customer can refuse to have their bag checked and simply walk out the door past the bag checker. Hopefully the bag checker has been trained to know that they cannot force anyone to submit to a bag search without cause. This is important because the expectation of the bag checker is that all bag contents have been purchased. The worst thing that could happen is that an aggressive bag checker would forcibly detain or threaten a customer who refused to comply with the voluntary search
SAM's clud does that reciept checking at the exit door, many times I just wlk right on by and out the door, I have never been followed out to my car. Screw um, let them figure another way to keep their employees in line.
fry's themes....hahaha....

the one by qualcomm, last time i checked had no theme, it was like wharehouse....the one in san marcos has an ocean theme, it's really quite bizarre.
So this is similar to when a security alarm goes off as you exit.
I'm not a thief, and always keep walking.
It's THEIR system, not mine.
Fry's is one of the strangest retailers out there. The Manhattan Beach store has a tiki-bar theme. The Fry brothers originally came from a grocery-store background. They charge vendors for prime display space, just like the supermarkets. I have actually noticed an improvement in service over the past couple of years. The employees really seemed unhappy before, maybe a change in store manager.
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