Ford Doesn't Want Mach-E Dealer Markups

I would never pay (and never have) over MSRP even on a new "hot" model. If any car has been out for more than a year or two I expect to get it under MSRP and usually do.
Me either, I live by the saying a fool and his money are soon parted. I also realize people are free to do whatever they want with their money, so if it makes someone happy paying a premium for something new, go for it.
Paying MSRP makes people so happy they give the salesman a tip? Wow...
Personally, I like to think I negotiate pretty good deals. The dealership likes me to think that too.
I seem to remember that when the new Convertible Thunderbird came, the dealer was asking like 10,000 over MSRP. This turn off a lot of folks and the car just faded away. This might be what is trying to prevent!
Maybe Ford should just sell direct to the consumer then? You can't control what every dealership does.

Cut out the middle man.. go Tesla style with direct sales and direct service model.
They can't do this, the dealer franchise contracts would prevent this.

But Ford could start a new brand, "Edison" we could call it, and then start a new dealer network. Toyota did this with Lexus, Nissan= Infiniti, etc. The manufacturers know when their dealers suck and might interfere with their desired clientele.
remember the hilarious nationwide markup on the bmw m2?

dealers don’t care. period. end of story

Do they care....

In that the dealer has his own rights its very difficult to tell someone what they have to sell something for that they legally bought from you - the manufacturers do not have control over this.The dealer can always do what he wants with the inventory on his lot. Its his, that title passed the day the cars left the factory.

but they do have power influence elsewhere that keeps things somewhat in balance.

They simply dont re-new dealers contracts that dont behave properly by doing too much gouging or too much loss leading.
It is to this extent that they care - when their franchise get threatened, its more accurate to say they dont care about YOU (or the customer)

So the dealer and the manufacturer have an implied but unspoken understanding of what expected and the dealer will work with them if the phone rings, but it will soon be business as usual.