For Those Who Don't Change Their Own Oil.....

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That shop "tech" would be much better off working at a fast-food restaurant than a garage.

"Now, was any damage done to the engine during the 7 seconds it ran with no oil or filter?"

When you add up all the dry-start cycles of an engine over a typical 5 year car ownership, we're talkin' many minutes of cumulative no-lube operation. I once knew a guy who intentionally tried to seize a Datsun engine (long story) -- I don't remember the details, but it required at least 15 minutes of running with a drained sump before it died. When I was a dumb 16 yr old, changing the oil on my mom's Mercury, I once managed to inadverdently back it off the ramps before refilling it with oil, maybe about 10-15 seconds of operation. No harm as far as I could tell, and it still didn't burn much oil when we sold it years later.
I have a 1988 Mustang 5.0 which probably ran for a good minute with no oil pressure when the oil pump failed.

It didn't seem to damage the engine was consuming oil before that happened, it consumes the same amount now.

Originally posted by TC:
That shop "tech" would be much better off working at a fast-food restaurant than a garage.

Uh-huh - just invites a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling in the knowledge that "Ptomaine Tommy", formerly "Brainiac Brian, the oil-change whiz" would be building Kiddie Meals for your "young 'ins" with his bugger-smeared fingers...
My brother at EZLube recieves reports weekly from the district that he is in in San Diego regarding business for the preceeding week, and his shop has been doing the best since he made those changes around the shop...I guess its working.

You cannot go to a different random o/c shop and expect no problems. Overtighten this, loose this little washer etc. I cannot deal with overtightened parts as I have a bunch of cars to service. If I put in the effort to change someone's oil, I tell them not to go to a shop in the future or I will not change it again. My cousin went to different shops over 160k/7 years in her 1.8t Passat. She had the lower cowl fall off on the highway and stripped drain bolts...the crappy dino-in-a-drum that clogged her oil pump was just a bonus for frequenting those places.
I would not think that anything was hurt at all. All the moving parts in the motor had oil on them and it was not run under a load.

A couple a years ago I was at a Ducati/Triumph shop in Pensacola FL and the salesman took us to he back to show us how some of the maintance was done. He walked over and fired one up and wacked the throttle a few times before a heavy set guy came running out of the crapper with his pants down yelling that the thing did not have oil in it!

I looked back over near the bike and sure as heck there was a pan full of oil sitting there. I'm sure nothing was hurt other than the salesman's pride.
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