fluid to get rid of bugs on bumper?

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Jul 15, 2011
I work nights and get a lot of bug corpses on my front bumper. Which of the following fluids should I use to make it easier to remove them, on a daily basis?

  • Water
  • Windshield Washer Fluid
  • Glass cleaner (like Windex)

Suggestions would be appreciated.
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I don't know; Michigan bugs are pretty stout.

Soaking the front of the truck with water before washing has given me the best results.
I'd recommend something that's alkaline. There's a gas station car wash I sometimes use that has a spray bottle of pre-wash and a brush for pre-treating. It's bright lime-green in color. Very alkaline as it causes my hands to itch after use. But it sure quickly removes all the dead bugs...like during love-bug season when my white bumper will be covered in black bugs. Not sure what brand it is or even how to get it.

You also might try mixing up a solution of TSP in water. You can get it at any paint or hardware store. Very powerful detergent.
50/50 mix of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle. Bugs are mostly protein and hp loves protein! Try it!
they wont hurt your paint as long as you wash them off weekly...windex and other cleaners will hurt your paint. Just wash weekly and apply a good coat of wax and you will be fine. by wash i mean hand wash with a good car shampoo
Originally Posted By: 94astro
Originally Posted By: otis24
Simple Green does a great job.


Another vote for Simple Green. A little OT but I had hardened tree sap on my car and used Simple Green as a lube for a small piece of clay.It lifted the hardened tree sap better than anything else I've tried.
A good way to initially get the bugs off, is to use a slightly dripping large towel with warm water, and let it sit on the mess for a hour or so. Then the bugs will basically just rinse off. then use a good cleaner wax to rejunvinate the finish. Works for me.
Thanks for the replies. From what I'm reading, it sounds like windshield washer fluid should be safe to use to soak em and then wipe them off.
I just use a detail spray, wet the surface, let sit a bit & keep it wet if necessary, then use a folded mf towel like buffing. Repeat as necessary.
My side mirrors get em good too.
Easiest and cheapest way to remove dried bug guts is some sudsy ammonia. Under a $1 a qt at the grocery store. Or make your own with some ammonia and a few drops of dish soap.

You won't believe how easy they come off.
Originally Posted By: SHOZ
Easiest and cheapest way to remove dried bug guts is some sudsy ammonia. Under a $1 a qt at the grocery store. Or make your own with some ammonia and a few drops of dish soap.

You won't believe how easy they come off.

It won't eat at the clear or wax coatings? Might have to give it a try.
Originally Posted By: Eosyn
Originally Posted By: SHOZ
Easiest and cheapest way to remove dried bug guts is some sudsy ammonia. Under a $1 a qt at the grocery store. Or make your own with some ammonia and a few drops of dish soap.

You won't believe how easy they come off.

It won't eat at the clear or wax coatings? Might have to give it a try.

Ammonia solution with a few drops of dish soap is dynamite for cleaning windows but I have my doubts about it being wax-friendly.
I never had a problem with wax or paint when using ammonia. It's no worse than using a window cleaner with ammonia.

I just use a soft plastic scrub pad drenched in the stuff and wipe away. For very hard deposits a second treatment is needed sometimes.

Here's some of my bugs. Grasshoppers are really bad around here some summers.

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