Five most uncommon foods you've eaten

Capuzzelle (lambs head) 😳
Someone had me try it once, before telling me what it was
Then I saw it in the cooler at the salumeria 😭🤮

I refuse to eat the liver of anything, it's the filter of the body, why eat it 😮
Veal is a non starter for me
I wouldn't say Fried Calamari is uncommon, but I've met a lot of people who won't touch it
TBF, if you've only had it bad, you can't appreciate it
Guanciale (pork jowl) is surprisingly good 👍
Warthog, zebra and kudu in Africa.
Emu, crocodile and kangaroo in Australia.

My favourite was kudu. I would have to be very hungry to eat warthog again, Very hungry.
Natto (Fermented soy beans. Like a bowl of snotty bogers. Yuck.)
I had some of that in Japan. They were telling me only the locals like it, I said much like vegemite back home. They fetched me a bowl of natto to try, I ate it quickly without issue, because everyone was watching me. In reality I didn't like it much. But you know, ambassador for your country and all that.
I've eaten plenty:
Beef and deer hearts
Beef tongue
Frog legs
Testicles (rocky mountain)
Brains once (strong dislike)
Snapping turtles
Morning dove
Fish of many types

Most likely forgetting some. I have a "well rounded life" :D
I've eaten plenty:
Beef and deer hearts
Beef tongue
Frog legs
Testicles (rocky mountain)
Brains once (strong dislike)
Snapping turtles
Morning dove
Fish of many types

Most likely forgetting some. I have a "well rounded life" :D
And possibly trichinosis? 😁
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Civet Cat (tasted like a skunk spray at close quarters, not a real feline)
Turtle (unsure, was inside a rice mound)
Stomach parts. Pig.
Further down parts. Pig.
Lamb liver. Cod Liver.
Boy you giys are more adventurous than me
You know lamb tastes kind of lamby and grass fed beef has just a hint of that goodness.

But lamb liver? HOLY SHEEP DIP. Like sheep wool oil X100000000000000000000000. Krikey I nearly died.
Head Cheese
Blood Sausage
Calves Brains
Chicken Feet
Stinky Tofu

First three tied to my dad's Lithuanian heritage (noting goes to waste). Chicken feet at an Asian buffet. Stinky Tofu from a visiting Taiwanese grad student (whew, the worst.....the tofu).
Interesting I've had #'s 1,2,4,5.

I absolutely love #1--in 2024? Can't afford it. As a kid? My mom bought it as it was a garbage luncheon meat.

#2 can't stand it.

#3 never had it

#4 is dim sum which we haven't had in years, but I'd take it from the cart now and again

#5 I think I posted here. I bought it by mistake and refused to waste it. It was disgusting. My wife even woke up and said what are you cooking, it smells upstairs.

I think a hint about this one, is Andrew Zimmern, AND Anthony Bourdain both disliked it. And those two were very open-minded, it came down to taste. I think being from MN Zimmern may have had lutefisk many times before. I've never had it but it sounds like it could be OK?
I've eaten plenty:
No way. They frequently carry prion diseases. Worse than have a brain-eating worm.
No problem
Not going there!
No way
Beef and deer hearts
Beef tongue
Frog legs
No - don't eat amphibians
Is that a different bear than than the previous one?
Testicles (rocky mountain)
Why would I eat those?
Brains once (strong dislike)
Prion diseases are a thing
Snapping turtles
No reptiles or amphibians are on my menu
Of course
Morning dove
That's not a real bird. You mean mourning doves - well, maybe if I were to kill one by accident but I wouldn't hunt such a lovely bird or pick it from a menu
Not by choice but I have had Chinese food so pretty sure I had some street bird - eating those regularly hasn't harmed @AutoMechanic one bit.
Fish of many types
Most likely forgetting some. I have a "well rounded life" :D
Here lies Jdeere562
He ate every critter known to man
Biohazard - remain at a safe distance
I've had braised chicken feet. I've boiled whole chickens before for soup, so I'm not sure how it gets to be so puffy when served Chinese style. I've also had baby octopus with seaweed. Braised sea cucumber, which isn't a plant material. Lengua tacos/burritos. Once I was watching my burrito being made when the preparer pulled out the tongue from a pot to cut off a piece, and there was someone else in line clearly grossed out by it. And maybe lamb brain masala at an Indo-Pak restaurant.
I eat grilled octopus fairly regularly. The one odd thing I've had was cougar. Years ago, I was helping a friend deliver a 69 Shelby GT500 to Oregon from NY. We stopped in some little town somewhere. Can't remember where exactly. Somewhere out west. Anyway, when we got up in the morning, the car had drawn a crowd. While we were talking with the local people, the guy that ran the motel came running up with a plate of what looked like chicken cutlets. Some local guy had killed a cougar and wanted us to taste it. This was like forty years ago so I don't remember exactly how it tasted but I do remember it wasn't bad.