Filling Your Home With Mercury Via CFL

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I've been over the radon issue before, and I once threw away about $25 for an in home radon test. I now feel the radon repair and testing business is a scam. They are raking in big bucks to fix something that in most cases doesn't need to be fixed, IMHO.

To each his own, but I personally wouldn't spend another nickel on anything to do with radon. I live in East TN, one of the high radon areas, which is also one of the lowest cancer % areas of the USA.
Thank you quest

Someone understands the big picture.

I worked in a Fluorescent lamp factory for 15 years, have 2 patents which allow one to dispose these lamps in a landfill. HG does not leach into water like people think.

Hg vapour is what you dont want but in metal(liquid) form it is pretty harmless.

THis plant made about 400 million a year and I would guess 5% with Hg dosed in them would brake. HG all over the place near the exhaust machines. Anyhow a study was conducted by the Union by an outside firm using records of emplyess and retired employess and compared to the local population for variuous health and medical issues. Results showed the people in the plant were healthier than the control population in the surrounding area.

This non-sense that somehow you drop 10 mg of mercury from a lamp on the floor and you have to quarantine the place is ridiculous.

Ever heard the term mad as a hater? Back in the day people who made hats used liquid Hg on the rims of the hat, the vapors over years and years of exposure caused mental problems, hence the term mad as a hater.

Originally Posted By: Quest
LOL! the amount of Mercury emissions from coal firing electrical power plants to power inefficient electrical appliances far outweighs the Hg inside CFLs (incl. the minute amount of Hg introduced into the flourescent tubing for striking the phosphor coating)...given the same amount of power consumption over a given service life (say, 2000hrs?) when compared to standard Incandescent lightbulb of the same light output.

May I gently remind you folks that NA has some of the most polluting coal firing electricity power plants in the world, producing approx. 20t worth of atmospheric Mercury pollutants that ended up in our food and air that we breathe.

Originally Posted By: ItsuMitsubishi
As, oh the most deadly heavy metal known,

Mercury is more deadly than Uranium or Plutonium? That is pretty bad. I'll have to go back and do a lot more research on this subject.
the way I see it:

Too many self-educated, self-righteous conspiracy theorists on the internet polluting the precious bandwidth with either (a) useless, totally/partially unsubstantiated informations w/o even understanding them to begin with; the other side of the picture is a lot of opportunists would seize these opportunity to sell/make money out of the situation by further fueling FUD.

While I understand Hg and it's toxicity, mind you though:

(1) my sideline work is in an industry where Pb poisoning is rather common affair (thus the RoHs initiative). I get my blood tested on a regular basis since I was 30 and has been normal so far.

(2) Japanese is one of the race that sees a lot of microwave use and all kinds of EMI/RFI exposure, as well as the use of fluorescent lighting (been in use in home/commercial since the late 50s, due to the fact that electricity is very, very expensive in Jpn so incandescent lamps are no longer accepted in the society, thus they are mostly nuclear power plants in Jpn, supplemented with a bit of coal-fired plants also). Yet, there's no medical reports from them saying that microwave is killing the nations (Jpn still has the longest living human lifespan in the world, most people live past 80+ yrs easily...)?

Bottomline: fueled by the internet: this society is filled with more crooks and opportunitists then ever, and most of the so-called "facts" are nothing short of unsubstantiated rumours or what I typically referred to as "half-donkey truths with the rest as all lies..."

Caveat emptor.

Originally Posted By: VNTS

HG does not leach into water like people think.

If this is so, why are fish so high in Hg?
Originally Posted By: Lurch
Originally Posted By: VNTS

HG does not leach into water like people think.

If this is so, why are fish so high in Hg?


Hg compunds amalgamated with other substances leaches quite easily into water. Elemental Hg will bind like nobodies business with iron and will not leach into the water table. hence when you crush a fluorecent lamp into a pulp in a landfill, the HG will bind up with any Iron near by. There is Federal test, Toxicity Chracteristic Leachate procedure test which dictates what is acceptable, the product I worked on was modified to pass this test.

per Hg in fish, depends on what you concider toxic. I dont buy all the hysteria over it but I guess if your concerned dont eat it. Also doesnt it occur to you that Hg, in vapor form in the atmosphere is what is dumped into the oceans? Or Hg in various forms in the enviroment naturally will leach into rivers and streams. Most Hg is Primarily from coal burning power plants. We could get rid of fluorescent lamps and use more power and hence put even more Hg vapour in the sky :) There is a study which assume we outlawed fluorescnt lamps and used Incandescent lamps and assume the same % of power from coal would result in about 1000 times more mercury pollution into the environement vs lamps. So there you have it, stop reading the media drive by articles LOL
Originally Posted By: VNTS
Originally Posted By: Lurch
Originally Posted By: VNTS

HG does not leach into water like people think.

If this is so, why are fish so high in Hg?


Hg compunds amalgamated with other substances leaches quite easily into water. Elemental Hg will bind like nobodies business with iron and will not leach into the water table. hence when you crush a fluorecent lamp into a pulp in a landfill, the HG will bind up with any Iron near by. There is Federal test, Toxicity Chracteristic Leachate procedure test which dictates what is acceptable, the product I worked on was modified to pass this test.

per Hg in fish, depends on what you concider toxic. I dont buy all the hysteria over it but I guess if your concerned dont eat it. Also doesnt it occur to you that Hg, in vapor form in the atmosphere is what is dumped into the oceans? Or Hg in various forms in the enviroment naturally will leach into rivers and streams. Most Hg is Primarily from coal burning power plants. We could get rid of fluorescent lamps and use more power and hence put even more Hg vapour in the sky :) There is a study which assume we outlawed fluorescnt lamps and used Incandescent lamps and assume the same % of power from coal would result in about 1000 times more mercury pollution into the environement vs lamps. So there you have it, stop reading the media drive by articles LOL

From wikipedia:

Unlike many other metals, iron does not form amalgams with mercury. As a result, mercury is traded in standardized 76 pound flasks (34 kg) made of iron.[15]

So do you know what you are talking about or just got things mixed up?

Anyways, I think the real issue is determining the level of effect on the population as a whole. Especially with things like heavy metal posioning. Some level of exposure will affect some part of the population, how much exposure and effects are acceptable is the question. Right now I don't really see many studies trying to determine this for Hg or anything else.
There is Federal test, Toxicity Chracteristic Leachate procedure test which dictates what is acceptable, the product I worked on was modified to pass this test.

This wouldn't be the aspirin in the tube trick, would it? One tube manufacturer put/puts an aspirin tablet in each end of the tube. When the tube is crushed mercury salicylate is formed, which does not show up on the TCLP test, as it is insoluble under the conditions of the test.

The mercury is still there and very toxic. That company did not create a "green" tube that can be safely disposed of, they cheated the system.

Originally Posted By: Samilcar
Originally Posted By: ItsuMitsubishi
As, oh the most deadly heavy metal known,

Mercury is more deadly than Uranium or Plutonium? That is pretty bad. I'll have to go back and do a lot more research on this subject.

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant neurotoxic. It is pretty bad. Denuding neurofibrils forcing them to become entangled and functionless, never having the chance to form the intended neuronal pathway is always pretty bad I guess. Maybe you should do some research on the subject.
Originally Posted By: Lurch
Originally Posted By: VNTS

HG does not leach into water like people think.

If this is so, why are fish so high in Hg?

As counter intuitive as it is, this applies to farmed fish. You would think "wild fish swimming in all that pollution", but in fact, it has to do with the feed used for fish farming. It's not elemental mercury, it is soluble mercury compounds like methylmercury used in manufacturing processes and dumped, which readily absorbs into the fatty tissues of fish food (and subsequently into the fatty tissues in fish, and then YOU). Some sources of the feed are gathered from contaminated areas and then dessicated for transport which concentrates the amount of Hq compounds present. This feed is then released into an unnaturally high concentration of fish in one given area.

Why be worried about these things? We all chug chemicals day in day out and 'nothing bad happens'. Well, back in the days of leaded gasoline, no one "saw" any problems; or they simply didn't draw the connections.

It's always the IQ reductants that I especially concern myself with. Because a lowered IQ and an expectation to recognize sources of a lowered IQ are diametrically opposed. The more damage one sustains, the more ignorant they inherently become to injurous substances. It's a vicious cycle. Fluoride is another major concern for me, more than Hq in fact with regard to inadvertenly lowering one's IQ. But now fluoride is making it's way into EVREYTHING. I'm sure it's really easy to do that, since F is a major toxic waste byproduct of many industries (aluminum, fertilizer etc). Why not dump it in municipal water, toothpaste, Teflon pan coatings, refrigerants (when CO2 is probably the oldest and BEST refrigerant), computer air dusters etc.

Since becoming aware of what's going on, I practice simple solutions based on the following logic:
Selenium readily binds with mercury, because they're part of the same group of elements. Selenium is needed for good health. Selenium by logic would provide protection against mercury poisoning. So google up some research and what do you know, studies using primates demonstrated clearly that mercury administered with selenium inhibited the effects of administering mercury alone by binding to it and inhibiting it from binding to anything else like your body! Mercury displaces selenium also, but organs have a natural preference for Se over Hq. I take an L-selenomethionine supplement.

Fluoride. It is a well-known IQ reductant. Fluoride is in the same group as Iodine. Fact: iodine deficiency is the greatest cause of low IQ and "cretinism" in the world. Fluoride displaces iodine and in the absence of iodine, fluoride will bind to I receptors- like those found in your thyroid. F is the leading cause of thyroid problems and the metabolic afflictions that go along with it. Studies show that regular supplementation with Iodine causes a proportionate amount of fluoride to be excreted via urine. Basically the subjects of the study, like you and I, are saturated with fluoride, so much so that any iodine given, even up to 9 months later, is still displacing fluoride at that time.

Now let's take a second and think back. Why are CFLs being mandated in houses USING LAW? Why is fluoride being added to water supplies around the world, for teeth? That's a poor method of administration? Why is sodium fluoride, rat poison, added to toothpaste? Dental fluorosis is a big problem and a huge business maker for the dental industry. Aside form viciously binding to calcium (read osteoperosis, calcification of cartilage-arthritis, embrittlement of bones and teeth etc) Fluoride has profound effects on the serotogenic system of the brain (the one that controls feelings of wellbeing). Fluoxetine (Prozac) and other "SSRIs" are made with fluoride, specifically for it's harsh actions on the serotogenic system. Flouride-based anti- depressants all have strong tendencies to induce "suicidal thoughts". Dentists post some of the highest rates of suicide other professions. Yeah, so fluoride is all around us why?

I didn't mean to get so elaborate or make this about fluoride, but I had to put it out there for anyone interested.

Originally Posted By: StevieC
I don't have any CFLs in my house because I'm convinced they trigger headaches/migraines in me and I have sensitive hearing and all the brands I have tried create a high-pitched noise that is annoying.

Stevie, you're right on also about the EMF emitted from the coil ballasts of CFLs. That's another suspicion I have with them- being little brainwave-entraining radio transmitters. Ugh, we don't need anymore brainwave entraining ELFs with many ionospheric heaters pulsing the atmosphere all day. One 26watt warm white CFL I have here just electromagnetically abuses any radio receiver I have around it. It causes my 'live wire detector' to go off from 2 feet away!
It's not just those that I have problem with. Cheap LED's that for some reason not everyone can see flickering but I can causes the problem and some CRT tube monitors.

I tell you it's not fun having this problem and it's even worse when people think you are nuts.
Originally Posted By: StevieC
It's not just those that I have problem with. Cheap LED's that for some reason not everyone can see flickering but I can causes the problem and some CRT tube monitors.

I tell you it's not fun having this problem and it's even worse when people think you are nuts.

Hey man I read ya. 60Hz refresh rates *shudder*
Exactly... I have always been able to see things with slightly flickering when others can't and can really hear things that most people can't on the high frequency sound end.

Not saying I'm bionic but I have noticed we aren't all the same and it's this that makes it hard for me to explain to others who aren't like me.

My doctor thinks I'm nuts... He's of a low refresh-rate vision.
Originally Posted By: ItsuMitsubishi
Originally Posted By: StevieC
It's not just those that I have problem with. Cheap LED's that for some reason not everyone can see flickering but I can causes the problem and some CRT tube monitors.

I tell you it's not fun having this problem and it's even worse when people think you are nuts.

Hey man I read ya. 60Hz refresh rates *shudder*

I agree, the computer lab technicians thought I'm nut when I tell them anything below 85Hz hurt my eyes on the CRT days.

Regarding to EMF, normal CFL emit around 60Hz or a multiple of 60Hz and they are suppose to be shielded (at least the good one should be, not those $1 subsidized junk). I found it after spending 2 days on a robot that malfunction at night but work find during day time by reading its signal when turning lights on/off and tilt toward different angles.

I can hear the buzz myself and think the cheap CFL junk are annoying, but the good ones from GE, Philips are pretty good and so far I'm happy with them. Maybe a different brand is your solution.
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Originally Posted By: ItsuMitsubishi
Originally Posted By: StevieC
It's not just those that I have problem with. Cheap LED's that for some reason not everyone can see flickering but I can causes the problem and some CRT tube monitors.

I tell you it's not fun having this problem and it's even worse when people think you are nuts.

Hey man I read ya. 60Hz refresh rates *shudder*

Yup me too. The 60hz on CRT is horrible on my eyes. Eyestrain is bad. On LCD monitors though 60hz is perfectly fine (good thing, since its usually the highest available at max resolution)
LCDs are refreshed like a standard tube CRT. There is 60Hz all over your house. That is the frequency of the 120V AC power.

LEDs are powered by DC so there should be no flicker.
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Originally Posted By: XS650
Originally Posted By: tmorris1
How often do you break a lightbulb? I can't remember the last time I did.

They are easy to drop if your tinfoil hat shifts and blocks you vision at a critical time.

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