F-1 Team to Attempt Speed Record at Bonneville

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It would be great if BAR breaks 400KPH. I would like to see BAR and Toyota win a Grand Prix race. It is about time.
I thought CART/Champ has hit 240mph before on certain tracks before? At least during practice or qualifying. Or maybe it was Indy 500. One of those has I'm almost certain.

Originally posted by Jason Troxell:
I thought CART/Champ has hit 240mph before on certain tracks before? At least during practice or qualifying. Or maybe it was Indy 500. One of those has I'm almost certain.

Correct! Read the rest of the thread, too, it has some interesting info about the Germans' record attempts in 1938.
Well, the attempt is going to have to wait as the 2005 World Finals have been cancelled due to standing water on the course.
I always wanted to know what a F1 car could do if it had a wide open place to run and was geared accordingly. It should be a wild ride.
I saw an update to this a week or more ago on "Motorsport Mundial" on SPEED Channel.

As described, the salt flats were under a few inches of water. Kind of funny. It looked like a huge lake. Acres and acres of lake ... just a couple inches deep.

So, they went to a nearby airport, took the wing off and went 257+ mph on the runway. Pretty cool.

--- Bror Jace
URGENT ALERT! > Speed News had a report on this Sunday night. At least parts of it - if not all of it - were the same as the Motorsport Mundial segment.

Speed News re-airs at 4:00am EST, 8:00am EST and 12:00pm EST. Set your recording device to record the xx:45-xx:51 minute portion of the program in order to get the Bonneville 400 feature.
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