email gibberish

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Aug 10, 2005
I get an occasional email, that I don't open, but if I preview it in mailwasher it's total gibberish. "I went, moon fell, doctor wouldn't call..." what's up with that??
Yeah, they even send me stuff at work about enlargement, being better performing etc.

I wonder if they've been talking to my missus.
makes it look like normal correspondence to spam filters.

They go to great lengths to misspell \/1a9ra too.
Thanks, looked at one, seems to be propoganda for some penny stock, not what you're describing. They probably feel my lower unit is beyond help!!
The ones from Nigeria can supposedly make thee rich....a multi-millionaire-type rich chap.
Too many people are ignoring these e-mails. They've taken it to the next step. Last week I got junk (US) mail offering to enhance my male member!
Kestas, my 87 year old (computer illiterate) neighbour has started getting mail also.

One offering to improve his equipment and useage, and the other helping him redeem his lottery win.
Gosh, sure are a lotta' kindly folk on the Web reaching out to assist us in so many ways.

Sniff. Kinda' improves my outlook regarding the scurrying cockroaches infesting this planet.....the critters we cal humans.


I looooove these warm fuzzy feelings!!!!
As eljefino pointed out, that's just a way to get around spam filters. In most cases, the body of the e-mail will be grammatically somewhat-correct gibberish to make it look normal with a graphic included at the top that contains the ad. Most spam filters will evaluate the words and assign a spam probability to each of them. If the overall probability exceeds a certain threshold, the e-mail is tagged as spam. Putting a bunch of spam-neutral words in the body of the message lowers the overall spam probability and helps ensure the target sees the message in his inbox. The latest trend in spam, now that the filters are starting to wise up to the gibberish, is to eliminate the text and just include a graphic.
Not that we could ever count on real enforcement, but I wish they'd make it illegal to use a fake "from" address so you could at least reply to these low-lifes and tell them what you think about their filling your inbox with C-R-A-P. Every time I've ever tried to reply to one, I get a DAEMON error. Then I attempted to go to the website that corresponds to the email address ([email protected]) and they never usually even exist. I create a new spam filter every time I get one of these, and someday I might catch up.
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