Electric Motor Bushing Lubricant Suggestions?

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Originally Posted By: sdowney717
yes, I found that synthetic engine oil works a long time. I think this is due to it not carbonizing. Synthetics carbonize at higher temps than regular oil.
Oil your computer fans with synthetic. Bathroom fans etc...

I have several synthetic automobile oils...and some air compressor oil...
AmsOil Commercial Grade Compressor Oil ISO 46 / SAE 20 seems to be better than anything else. http://www.amsoil.com/lit/databulletins/g1264.pdf
I just tried it on a bathroom vent fan that seized up after I zoom-spout oiled it. Cooked the oil while I was running it to warm up the oil so it would flow into the bearing. When I shut it off, it cooked and became stuck. So, I soaked the bearings in acetone and then soaked them in AmsOil ISO 46.
{The little motor has no flow-thru cooling and gets hot. It's the old version of this one: http://www.centralvacuumstores.com/venti...a000-motor-only
New version has cooling = NuTone 0434A000}
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