Ebola Information

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In the end science has to find the answers to stopping the spread of this disease. I think they need to get going in a big way on that experimental drug that MAY have worked on that doctor who returned from Africa. Although I heard somewhere that he might be ill again. They have to grow that drug on tobacco leaves and it takes a long time. And it may be hard enough to grow enough of it if a lot of people get infected. They had a woman scientist on Greta on Fox News twice who talked about that experimental drug. And that scientist was working on some other drug technology for Ebola also.

Several countries have restricted travel to and from the affected countries in Africa. Personally I think we need to restrict travel also.
The man from Africa died today................THOMAS ERIC DUNCAN, near left, the Liberian man who was the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US, has died after nearly two weeks in a Dallas hospital's isolation room, officials say.
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Originally Posted By: SteveSRT8
amazing. I cannot believe we do not have a complete clampdown on any travel to or from the areas of Africa involved in this...

Apparently white house reporters are befuddled by this as well. This caught on a hot mic after today's CDC press conference...
Originally Posted By: CourierDriver
The man from Africa died today................THOMAS ERIC DUNCAN, near left, the Liberian man who was the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US, has died after nearly two weeks in a Dallas hospital's isolation room, officials say.

Sad, after all that the poor guy died.
And he was planning to get married. Instead he's also possibly infected his girlfriend and her family.

Talk about having your life turned upside down.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: CourierDriver
The man from Africa died today................THOMAS ERIC DUNCAN, near left, the Liberian man who was the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US, has died after nearly two weeks in a Dallas hospital's isolation room, officials say.

Sad, after all that the poor guy died.

And after all that the family is now claiming ( with Jesse Jacksons help) that he was not treated like other patients.

He is not a citizen ( i wonder if the family are citizens) and hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent trying to save him. Money that he, nor his family will ever pay.

A simple thank you for trying to save him would be appropriate here. But no, it will be some wacky lawsuit.
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The hospital screwed up and it seems plausible that he may have lived had they not. After all, several other people in the US have recovered from Ebola.

The family were also quarantined in the apartment for several days which may have increased their risk.
Originally Posted By: spasm3
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: CourierDriver
The man from Africa died today................THOMAS ERIC DUNCAN, near left, the Liberian man who was the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US, has died after nearly two weeks in a Dallas hospital's isolation room, officials say.

Sad, after all that the poor guy died.

And after all that the family is now claiming ( with Jesse Jacksons help) that he was not treated like other patients.

He is not a citizen ( i wonder if the family are citizens) and hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent trying to save him. Money that he, nor his family will ever pay.

A simple thank you for trying to save him would be appropriate here. But no, it will be some wacky lawsuit.

Yep, they'll sue. When I hear Jackson speak I typically change the TV station. He's at it again. Maybe the guy would have been treated better in Africa.
I wonder if those "family" members even have the legal
right to be in the USA? Did the patient Eric Duncan have the right to be in the USA legally? We haven't heard about his legal status. I wonder why?

If not they should be IMMEDIATELY deported to their country of origin, which no doubt is some disgusting cesspool in Western Africa.

We let hordes of these illegal aliens from third world countries to stay here violating our laws, they have the unmitigated gall to sue?

Send em packing back to Africa. ALL OF THEM.

This also makes clear to me that we need to BAN ALL immigration to the US IMMEDIATELY until further notice, things have been spiraling out of control for many decades. It has got to stop now if we care about retaining at least a sliver of Western Civilization here in the USA.
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Originally Posted By: Smokescreen
I am not sure about the stats that you are quoting demarpaint.

All we have to go from is the WHO stats of ~50% mortality rate in Africa. Which taking into consideration the rudimentary hospitals they have over there is pretty good. The typical cases in Africa are being handled not with special drugs but basic hospital conditions albeit much less sterilized than over in North America, but it is better than no treatment at all in a village with no precautions. They quarantine, they treat as they are instructed by North American and other 1st world nation doctors instruct.

I think that 50% is either old or just plain wrong. As of weeks ago, the hospitals in the hardest hit areas have become completely overrun. There is simply no room for more patients, and thus no treatment for 99% of those currently falling ill. These people are either abandoned (at the hospital, in the back yard, anywhere...) or taken home where they can infect more of the family. (A [censored] of a choice to make!) I guarantee that nowhere near 50% of these people are surviving. I think it's safe to say that once the hospitals reach saturation in any given region, the spread of the disease and subsequent death rate will explode.
Originally Posted By: chiefsfan1
uh oh.


If you go to this area willingly please stay there.
It wont take long for this to overwhelm our health system.

Well, there are many different ways to define 'ariborne.'

As is becoming self-evident, the old platitudes about 'Only spread through direct contact of bodily fluids.' is not the whole truth. OTOH, if Ebola was 'airborne' like influenza, half of Africa would be infected by now. The virus does not specifically target the throat or sinuses, and thus does not produce the violent coughing and sneezing found in classic airborne diseases. That said, a patient's spittle IS contagious, and drops of it will contaminate objects in the immediate area with long lived bugs.

Combine this long held belief with a bit of the hubris western medicine is famous for, and I think we're in for a few hard, painful lessons. I can easily see small outbreaks - killing a dozen or so patients - occurring in 1st world countries.

I'm not yet ready to head for the hills, but do expect the situation in North America to get much worse before they get better.

What's the best way to prevent Ebola in the US and Europe? Invest the $ NOW and stop it in Africa. A few hundred million spent now will be MUCH more effective than billions later.
What I'm wondering is what will y'all's reaction be when the first Ebola case hits your hometown?

Will we all eventually be wearing full face respirators out in public?

Maybe we should all start buying respirators before the prices skyrocket!!
Maybe my Costco will finally widen the choke-point aisles and get rid of the food sampler slower-downer tables.
Originally Posted By: Mystic
In the end science has to find the answers to stopping the spread of this disease. I think they need to get going in a big way on that experimental drug that MAY have worked on that doctor who returned from Africa. Although I heard somewhere that he might be ill again. They have to grow that drug on tobacco leaves and it takes a long time. And it may be hard enough to grow enough of it if a lot of people get infected. They had a woman scientist on Greta on Fox News twice who talked about that experimental drug. And that scientist was working on some other drug technology for Ebola also.

Follow the money...

Tamiflu was a hyper expensive drug, manufactured from the exotic Star Anise fruit, that took hundreds of fruit and an expensive process to produce, and a ridiculous price-tag.

With the animal flu scares, Govt spent billions on buying the stuff up (Oz spent quarter Billion) at retail price, while the drug cos made a a GM yeast to make the compound for the price of a jar of vegemite.

These sorts of scares and the miracle, experimental, found only on the left hind leg of a himalayan grasshoper are the ultimate shakedown.

Our govt pointed to the fact that nearly nobody died, nearly none of the govt bought drugs, most of which will get thrown out when shelf life is up was "cheap insurance"
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