Driving with the windows fully down on the highway

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Apr 13, 2013
I've noticed a lot of people do this but always wondered why. When driving around town, I like dropping the windows if it isn't too hot because the breeze feels great. But on the highway, the wind noise becomes so irritating and frankly unbearable. The radio's hard to hear unless it's turned up super high and it becomes difficult to talk to passengers. I'm no expert, but doesn't drag increase at higher speeds with the windows all the way down, negatively affecting gas mileage? I've seen drivers of cars -- both old and new -- doing this so it can't be the A/C is busted in all cases.

I could never own a convertible
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Lots of people aren't car people like us on this forum, and don't think or care about mpg. Some people like the windows all the way down, some cracked. Some people who don't know better probably think they are getting better gas mileage with their windows down by not using A/C.
I think that driving with the windows down on the hiwy gives a person a sense of freedom. And the wind noise though it may be loud, also adds to that feeling of freedom.

Not all cars are as loud on the hiwy as others with the windows all the way down. I like it myself and I can't explain further. Like riding on a Harley or in a convertible. I've often driven with the windows down and the A/C on!

Hope you find the answer!
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Somewhere I'd read a study that suggested the mileage difference wasn't all that significant with windows up/ac on, vs. windows down with ac off. I wish I could find it again.

If you asked me, I've done both with no regard to mileage, just how I feel. If I have passengers, the windows usually go up at highway speed if we're talking.
Below 40 mph I have no problem with open windows,over that the buffeting is a bit much.Windows closed or at least cracked open (Ventshades equipped) at that point.
Originally Posted By: mclasser
I've noticed a lot of people do this but always wondered why. When driving around town, I like dropping the windows if it isn't too hot because the breeze feels great. But on the highway, the wind noise becomes so irritating and frankly unbearable. The radio's hard to hear unless it's turned up super high and it becomes difficult to talk to passengers. I'm no expert, but doesn't drag increase at higher speeds with the windows all the way down, negatively affecting gas mileage? I've seen drivers of cars -- both old and new -- doing this so it can't be the A/C is busted in all cases.

I could never own a convertible

Because you're in the wrong coast !

In the Right Coast(West Coast) we like cruising with top down on highway at around 70-80 MPH, wind on the hair under warm sunshine is wonderful !

In the summer months when we went to Vegas on I-15 we passed Death Valley and several long steep hills, there are several signs advising motorist to turn off A/C to avoid over heating. I saw some older vehicles had all windows down with ambient temperature in the 120's degree. I also saw few vehicles on the side of highway with hood up, I assume their vehicles were overheated.
When I leave work, especially in the summer when it is hot, I will roll both windows down an inch or so to help get the hot air out of the car. Plus I get to listen to the exhaust when I get on the freeway so that is a bonus. Usually only do it for a few miles until the interior cools down.
Hate windows down. If I wanted to sweat or freeze my butt off I'd not do it in a car. The nonexistent to negligible decrease in MPG is not worth running the climate control.
Sometimes I drive on the highway for just a minute with my windows down before I remember why I always have them up. Way too much noise. And sometimes too much wind.
To and from work I usually have the windows down no matter the car. If I'm in the old civic, I don't have an AC compressor anymore so they're down no matter what. If I'm busting 50+mp/h they're up on the others.
In my truck i will mostly drive with the windows up. Climate control has spoiled me. The only times i will roll them down is on a cool night or a cool morning.

I can't keep my windows down on the interstate. The noise of the semis drives me nuts.

I doesn't bother me on the bike, however.
I usually drive with the windows down on the highway, weather permitting, unless it's the interstate. I prefer the fresh air rather than the air the A/C gives off.

I normally open the drivers window and the passenger side rear window. That eliminates almost all wind buffeting unless it's windy outside and it's coming straight at the drivers window. There's nothing better than driving past a field of freshly mown hay and enjoying it.
Convertible top down and windows up. Best compromise. Minimizes turbulence. Feels free. And on hot days ac blasting. On really cold days/nights heater full blast heated seats and blanket.
Windows up much of the time. Has to be a really nice day to drive around with them down. Too much noise--I actually find bicycling a bit on the noisy side, and usually wear an headband to tame noise, unless if it is a slow ride.

Cabin filter also cuts down on the pollen. Not sure what I am allergic to, but some days clean sterile air is all I want until my system quits responding to whatever is irking it.
I hate windows down on the highway and would never own a convertible.
In fact I'll probably be the only Wrangler owner who doesn't remove the top. LOL
The fuel economy differences are hard to measure. However, there are a lot of law enforcement officers above a certain age with significant hearing loss in their left ears (in LHD countries, of course).
I like rolling through the country side near my house with the windows down and sunroof open, up to about 45mph. Up to 55 its nice to have the sunroof open and a few windows cracked.
On my old car with no AC I'd keep the drivers window closed on the highway, but have the other 3 opened to get lots of airflow.
It was hard on the ears though.
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