Does soaking onions reduce their health benefits?

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some chiefs say all the onions taste alike (may B that's if sauted or this soak thing). Some folk use water that's right off the boil for this purpose.
Soaking changes them how? Sweet red onions are one of my absolute favorite foods, but it’s hard to find them as good from the supermarket. Is it because the ones served in restaurants get soaked first?
Don't know. That's why I was asking. They are too strong to eat raw but soaking mellows them out. Are the strong compounds the ones with the health benefits that you are removing when soaking?
It would make general sense that if the sulfur compounds are what makes them strong, and that’s what is getting partitioned to the water when soaking, then your idea may make sense. I have no basis that this is true, nor that the strong scent/taste/eye watering compounds are the same as those with health benefits.
try chef guy forums, not car guy.
i like to add a lill heat (just off the boil), vinegar'n sugar (spice of choice [according to what served with]). Leave set till cool, instant (mild) pickle for salad/samwhich/stir fry. Kept wk or 2 in fridge this timea yr.