Does Anyone Find the New Camry's Styling Offensive

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For me it depends on the color.

If it has a dark paint job, the Camry look great.... if it has a light paint color, it looks very boring.
I think the Camry looks beautiful. Now the new Accord on the other hand is ugly. It looks like a BMW 5 series. You know, since they started with the "new" styling.
I feel most new cars today are offensively ugly and poorly styled. Mostly honda and toyota imo.
Toyota seems to go hot and cold with Camry styling. I think the current version is OK but no better than that. My neighbor has the previous generation and its a pretty good looking car by comparison. The generation before that was pretty nasty looking. So, is it offensive? Not really, but it sure is inconsistent.

The current Accord is hideous IMO, but the current Civic looks sharp to me.

One thing is for sure, both the current Camry and Accord styling are making their domestic competitors look like super models (Malibu and Fusion). And wait till you see the new Buick Regal.
Originally Posted By: parimento1
That is one ugly-looking car! Anyone else agree?

I agree, I think it is ugly.
There's a silver one in my apartment's parking lot with side skirts and bumper lips and I think it looks nice. Gives it a lowered look.
Not much of a change from the 09 except 3 different grille styles. But who buys a Camry for it's sexy looks anyway? It is in the "taxi cab" class to me. If you want that platform with better styling & nice appointments...get the Lexus ES350. I have driven both and the Camry is plain vanilla compared to the Lexus.
People who buy these cars generally consider a car like an appliance used just to get to point a to b. Camry's have always been plain, that goes for the badge engineered "Lexus Camry" too. But, I think the latest model does a better job than previous models at being a little sporty atleast.
Originally Posted By: asiancivicmaniac
I actually think the ES is uglier than the Camry. It looks bubbly.

But when you buy a rebadged Toyota as a Lexus you're considered a savy and sophisticated person.
The 2004 models were the better looking ones imo. It would be nice if they based off some of their models from their Japanese and Euro designs, like what most of the domestics are doing.
I agree, the 2004 model, while not flashy, is good looking in a simplistic sort of way. The style basically says "I'm a comfortable family sedan that will get the job done"

The new generation tries to look "sporty", and in certain darker colors it doesn't look that bad, but what I don't like is the fact that the new Camry is still the same old boring appliance. Toyota didn't even try to upgrade the suspension to something better handling. I read that even their "sports package" leaves a lot to be desired when compared to cars like Mazda 6, Fusion and Nissan.

That's why I like the previous generation, the looks tell you exactly what the cars is on the road (quiet and comfortable, but otherwise boring), the new styling tells you that you might be able to push this thing through some corners (bulging fenders, side skirts, big wheels, you know the works), but it handles the same as the old Camry and is actually less comfortable and quiet then the previous one. To me it's a step backwards and Toyota is clearly putting more emphasis on looks these days and even with this emphasis they still did not get it right. BIG
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Yes the new Camry is hideous. I understand if they had a desire to get away from the "appliance" look they've had forever, but this version goes much too far in my opinion. The car looks ungainly and bloated.
There is a new Camry? I haven't seen it. The 2007 model is an acceptable looking car. Nothing to get excited about but pleasant to look at.
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