Does anyone drive their car gently?

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Originally Posted By: Volvo_ST1
Originally Posted By: oldmaninsc
I agree with your statement about a heavy truck going uphill, but read the rest of the statement. "OR IN COMPLIANCE WITH LAW"!
To my knowledge there is no law on what the minimum speed is for a truck going uphill. I and my family have been in the trucking business for quite some time, since the late 70's.

I did read the rest of the statement. I believe "or in compliance with law" refers to vehicles, including but not limited to construction and farm vehicles, that must not exceed a mandated speed. Maybe there's a farmer here, but I'm pretty sure some tractors mustn't go faster than 25 or 35 mph.

That's fine, except as far as I know, Ca. law prohibits tractors from being on a highway at any speed.
Edit: I checked the DMV handbook and they are allowed on public roads, but I saw no mention that they are allowed to operate on a highway.

I really think you are reading something into this law that just isn't there.

Again the law states:
"No person shall drive upon a highway at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, unless the reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, because of a grade, or in compliance with law"

In other words it okay to impede or block traffic ON A HIGHWAY if it "is necessary for safe operation" (as in bad weather or road conditions, such as construction) OR because of a grade (here is the slow moving truck going up a hill) OR "in compliance with law."
While I concede the phrase is somewhat vague, I'd say it means existing laws - such as speed laws.

Any attorneys or judges on this board that could clear this up?
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Let me be clear, so no one misunderstands. I'm not saying this justifies "left lane camping". It obviously doesn't. I don't condone doing that now nor have I ever. The law is clear in Ca. "slower traffic keep right". There is NO addition to the sign saying something like "But it's okay to stay left if you are already going the speed limit or even slightly over it."
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I get 30-32 mpg highway on my Subie, its EPA rated at 27. I demolish that figure every time. I usually shift at 3500 rpm, sometimes 4000, because that's where the Subie is making good power.
You're thinking of a limited access highway like an interstate or turnpike. These also have much tighter rules about sight lines and grades, so trucks don't get slowed to 20 MPH by incredible hills.

I can ride a horse down a speed limit 45 secondary road, in the lane, and only move over when I feel it's safe to let motorists pass. It's a holdover from common law and rights trumping privileges. As a motorist, if an equestrian signals there's a problem, I need to wait. Similarly, bicycles have to stay near the shoulder unless there's no safe room, then they can camp out anywhere in the lane. It's the judgement call of the cyclist.

Limited access highways here have white signs on the on-ramps banning a long list of mopeds, driven animals, unicycles, etc.

I have seen minimum speed limit signs, usually 40 or 45 MPH, but only on limited access highways.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
You're thinking of a limited access highway like an interstate or turnpike. These also have much tighter rules about sight lines and grades, so trucks don't get slowed to 20 MPH by incredible hills.

I can ride a horse down a speed limit 45 secondary road, in the lane, and only move over when I feel it's safe to let motorists pass. It's a holdover from common law and rights trumping privileges. As a motorist, if an equestrian signals there's a problem, I need to wait. Similarly, bicycles have to stay near the shoulder unless there's no safe room, then they can camp out anywhere in the lane. It's the judgement call of the cyclist.

Limited access highways here have white signs on the on-ramps banning a long list of mopeds, driven animals, unicycles, etc.

I have seen minimum speed limit signs, usually 40 or 45 MPH, but only on limited access highways.

Couple of problems here. First I didn't write the law the state of Ca. did. They said "highway" not public streets.
Second, are you talking your state or Ca.? Quite often states have different laws. I'm getting my quotes directly from the DMV.
I have been from one end of Ca. to the other numerous times and from the west to the east and have never seen a "minimum speed" sign posted in Ca. Other states yes, Ca. no!
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My silverado rarely sees over 2500rpm and i am the slow guy on the road in it (its lifted with 33's under it) mixed driving is 14-14.5mpg so i baby it as gas is not cheap, but im not afraid to stand on it when i need to. My R1 on the other hand sees reline on almost every ride.
Originally Posted By: oldmaninsc
That's fine, except as far as I know, Ca. law prohibits tractors from being on a highway at any speed.
Edit: I checked the DMV handbook and they are allowed on public roads, but I saw no mention that they are allowed to operate on a highway.

I really think you are reading something into this law that just isn't there.

Again the law states:
"No person shall drive upon a highway at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, unless the reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, because of a grade, or in compliance with law"

In other words it okay to impede or block traffic ON A HIGHWAY if it "is necessary for safe operation" (as in bad weather or road conditions, such as construction) OR because of a grade (here is the slow moving truck going up a hill) OR "in compliance with law."
While I concede the phrase is somewhat vague, I'd say it means existing laws - such as speed laws.

Any attorneys or judges on this board that could clear this up?

It appears when you write "highway" you refer to a "limited access highway," for example a freeway. When I say "highway" I mean "public road." I wasn't talking about tractors on the freeway.
Originally Posted By: Volvo_ST1
Originally Posted By: oldmaninsc
That's fine, except as far as I know, Ca. law prohibits tractors from being on a highway at any speed.
Edit: I checked the DMV handbook and they are allowed on public roads, but I saw no mention that they are allowed to operate on a highway.

I really think you are reading something into this law that just isn't there.

Again the law states:
"No person shall drive upon a highway at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, unless the reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, because of a grade, or in compliance with law"

In other words it okay to impede or block traffic ON A HIGHWAY if it "is necessary for safe operation" (as in bad weather or road conditions, such as construction) OR because of a grade (here is the slow moving truck going up a hill) OR "in compliance with law."
While I concede the phrase is somewhat vague, I'd say it means existing laws - such as speed laws.

Any attorneys or judges on this board that could clear this up?

It appears when you write "highway" you refer to a "limited access highway," for example a freeway. When I say "highway" I mean "public road." I wasn't talking about tractors on the freeway.

Okay, I see that. I'm still not 100 percent sure what the State of Ca. definition of a highway is. Even if I concede that it is any street - in reality it is probably a moot point.
Originally Posted By: cchase
My daily driver has 400hp and I often get a chuckle with passengers, pulling away at lights around here, trying to keep up with the people in front of me when the light turns green, at how fast I actually have to accelerate to keep up with them. Only to run up to the next red light 1/2 mile down the road.

My general driving habits are 0-5 mph over or whatever is safest, and my general rule is to drive as smoothly as possible. I like to drive with the goal of never waking a sleeping passenger. Smooth and steady is safe and helps prolong every component in the vehicle.

Any fool can drive a car fast, it takes more skill to drive a car smoothly, in my opinion. Steering, brakes, AND throttle.

Well said!!!

I drive pretty gentle, with my main goal being better fuel economy. RPMs generally below 3k, coast to red lights, etc.

Even with a ton of city driving, I still have original brakes with plenty of life left at 81k miles.
Originally Posted By: Silk
The fuel light is on,and I'll try to get to the weekend.

I didn't get to the weekend,it ran out tonight on the way home - under the rail bridge before the roundabout.Fortunately the boss was behind me and towed me to the gas station.I'll have to drive even slower in future.
Originally Posted By: Colt45ws
I like to drive with the goal of scaring passengers.

Awesome..but I prefer to scare the speed regulators..they usually move over to the left after I pass them...they get the message.
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Originally Posted By: SUPERGASHOG
Originally Posted By: Colt45ws
I like to drive with the goal of scaring passengers.

Awesome..but I prefer to scare the speed regulators..they usually move over to the left after I pass them...they get the message.

You realize youre as bad as the "speed regulators" taking it on yourself to prove something to them?

Im not saying that those who hog and slow the road are right in any way. Im just saying that people who try to prove their point/scare others are just as bad.
On the original topic, I wouldn't say I drive my car gently in general. I go through phases when I do, but I always get back to driving it harder because I like it a lot more when I do. I'm just talking about letting the tach climb and accelerating "quickly". In reality it's not that quick, because the car just isn't that fast, but it's fun to cane it a little in traffic w/out even breaking the speed limit. I don't know what I'd do with an auto transmission. On the freeway I'll downshift to third to pass, etc. Not tough on the car at all by some people's standards.

I do try to go easy on the brakes, though, and drive smoothly. I always get decent gas mileage, even when I cane it (one of the advantages of lower powered, lighter cars). If I didn't I might drive more easily.

Yesterday I floored it in third for 25 seconds or so to pass going up a steep grade. Couldn't have done that legally in a much faster car
I'm older now and don't want to buy another vehicle. I'm happy with my bought new 1996 manual tranny Contour and 2002 manual tranny F-150. I'll be "kind & gentle" overall but I have no problem using the Contour as my "poor man's BMW" after it's warmed up and the road conditions are appropriate. The F-150 being a truck is driven like a truck. But if need be I'll rev the motor. Early on I added a rear anti sway bar and Rancho shocks which really helped the handling.

I drive it like I stole it most of the time. I modified my car for this. Learned how to drive it like this. And meticulously keep the car in top condition. I'm not that woried about mileage and actually like working on it. But I don't need to be cause I bought good parts in the first place.

As far as annoying drivers go...

Whatever lane you're in, drive with the flow of traffic. If you notice a line of cars piling up behind you speed up a little or get out of the way.

When you're getting on the highway, for gods sake, speed up. Traffic on the highway is moving at 70mph don't enter the highway at 40mph and wonder why you get the finger all the time.

Or even worse, the idiots that go to enter highway at 40, but then panic because traffic is moving quicker, so they STOP amd the entrance ramp and then hope to ever so lighty accelerate and just pull into a lane almost causing a pile up.
Originally Posted By: Vibe_2007

This is exactly what I do and always beat the fuel economy figures for my specific model. I don't fight large hills and coast down the other side of them. Around town I manage to keep the RPMs at 2000 or under. My little Vibe gets approx 34 city and 40 highway, which is pretty good for a wagon. For full disclosure I only use ethanol free gas, 1 ounce of Redline SI-1 per fill-up, tires always properly inflated, so that helps the numbers a bit too.

My goal is always to beat the EPA too. That saves some wear, cutting down maintenance costs, as well as the fuel savings. I used to be a more aggressive driver, but age (not that I'm "old," just older than I was and more aware of my own mortality) and insane fuel prices have conspired to mellow my driving. I take it easy in the city, keeping the RPM down and coaxing the auto to change into the highest gear I can attain at whatever speed I'm shooting for.

In the summer, I do manage to (slightly) beat the EPA, but I'm still refining my driving with increased FE as the goal all the way. In the winter its just not possible here, and I aim instead at eliminating unnecessary trips and trying to optimize my route so as to make as much of the trip at operating temp, where best FE is attained, as I can; or, barring that, to end the trip as close to operating temp as it allows.

On the highway I get better FE at speeds close to 70 mph, so I usually stay in that zone. This is based on real time feedback from my Scanguage II which not only shows the instantaneous mpg at its peak efficiency there, but also shows the engine running at optimal efficiency at that speed based on the engine being at its most advanced timing. Every vehicle is different though, and some may get optimal FE at either higher or lower speeds.

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