Do i need a case for an external hdd?

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey

On the archiving kick, say I want a hdd that I can have as an archive, left in a safe deposit box.

It's clean, dry, used seldomly. It appears that sata HDDs of laptop size can be powered and run off of USB cables/converters. If space is a main consideration, why would I need a case for it?

Looking at my Samsung ssd, it looks so well finished that it could be a standalone drive. That said, I probably want rotating, theyre a bit less finished, but any issues?

I use a docking station for my 3.5 drive that i use for storage and backup. The sata drive gets inserted on top, and yes it does unfortunately need a power supply rather than running off the usb like those smaller drive (eg 2.5 wd passport or equivalent).
Originally Posted By: ueberooo
I use a docking station for my 3.5 drive that i use for storage and backup. The sata drive gets inserted on top, and yes it does unfortunately need a power supply rather than running off the usb like those smaller drive (eg 2.5 wd passport or equivalent).

seen those, kinda look like a toaster..

HDD Dock

if you want basically a bare drive, with a modicum of protection might i suggest this:
HDD "Gasket"
Most 2.5" SATA/PATA can be powered off USB with a special cable alone, without power supply, as long as they are the lower power type and not the high performance ones like WD Raptor.

A case would be very useful to protect against ESD and mechanical vibration (dropping). If you are careful you don't need them, but all it takes is some low humidity and putting on your sweater, or a slip off your hand, to destroy your data.
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