Dexos R

Jun 12, 2004
Athens, GA
Cruising around the web tonight and run across a mention of 'Dexos R'.

Grand total of 1 oil on the list. Mobil1 Supercar 0W40.

Just found it interesting and something new to discuss hadn't seen it mentioned here or in a search.

Dexos R FAQ
Looks like M1 ESP 0W-40 will be rebranded:

Interesting wonder how much it's really changed and how much the price has really increased? By the way I'll be really excited when they get to Dexos Z.
Cruising around the web tonight and run across a mention of 'Dexos R'.

Grand total of 1 oil on the list. Mobil1 Supercar 0W40.

Just found it interesting and something new to discuss hadn't seen it mentioned here or in a search.

Dexos R FAQ
Rebranded ESP formula. It was mentioned a few months ago. Knuckle draggers for some reason believe that engine protection is inversely proportional to degree of emissions system protection.
I wouldn't waste my money on any oil that says "dexos" on the label. GM, charges every oil mfgr to print dexos on it's label. It only means gm approves the use of their oil. Find the VOA of their new offering, and crosscheck it against other oil's you may want to use. Dexos isn't a ingredient, it's an approval rating where gm makes money every time a qt is sold.,,
I wouldn't waste my money on any oil that says "dexos" on the label. GM, charges every oil mfgr to print dexos on it's label. It only means gm approves the use of their oil. Find the VOA of their new offering, and crosscheck it against other oil's you may want to use. Dexos isn't a ingredient, it's an approval rating where gm makes money every time a qt is sold.,,

The math works out to $0.0005 a quart for the Dexos licensing fee.

Meanwhile, XOM's trailing 12 month net income is $25,000,000,000, but please keep explaining why GM's Dexos licensing fee is the reason engine oil is more expensive.
I wouldn't waste my money on any oil that says "dexos" on the label. GM, charges every oil mfgr to print dexos on it's label. It only means gm approves the use of their oil. Find the VOA of their new offering, and crosscheck it against other oil's you may want to use. Dexos isn't a ingredient, it's an approval rating where gm makes money every time a qt is sold.,,

For those wishing to maintain warranty, it might be valuable...just like "approvals" from every other major OEM.

insert eye roll emoji...
I know this will come as a shock to some of you, but if an oil mfgr wants to put that dexos symbol on their bottle, the cost they pay, is passed onto the consumer. If they charge 5 cents extra per qt bottle or 5 qt container, multiply that number by 1,000,000 bottles, that's how much gm gets for just saying, this is what we want you to use. As far as warranty is concerned, being that dexos is not an ingredient that can be identified in lab testing, voiding a warranty would be a stretch for a dealer. There's hardly an oil made today that's not sold in a dollar store, that wouldn't be suitable in a engine made today. Fear of warranty cancellation is what keeps customers going back to dealers, and paying for something of no value. If a mfgr decides it wants to void your warranty, they will. If you want to contest that decision, All you have to do is go thru a long expensive legal battle and hope you win. Look up Magneson / moss act.,,
I wouldn't waste my money on any oil that says "dexos" on the label. GM, charges every oil mfgr to print dexos on it's label. It only means gm approves the use of their oil. Find the VOA of their new offering, and crosscheck it against other oil's you may want to use. Dexos isn't a ingredient, it's an approval rating where gm makes money every time a qt is sold.,,
Time is the only non-renewable resource.

I wouldn't waste my time looking up VOAs, cross checking and/or comparing or establishing my own performance baseline for what I want to use. That just seems like a fool's errand. Standards and specifications are created specifically so that a person doesn't need to do what you describe.

I know what the OEM specs for my car and I buy an oil that meets it. No make-work scurrying around required.

Best of all, the vehicle will not perform appreciably differently in any form versus someone undertaking the unneeded complication that you describe.

To each their own....
Don't we all know that capital R must stand for race? Brother, how about S, as in one born every minute. This way to the egress..
So is the licensing fee 5¢/quart as BigCahuna claims, or 0.05¢/quart as MrHorsPower claims? Somebody's off by a factor of 100!
So is the licensing fee 5¢/quart as BigCahuna claims, or 0.05¢/quart as MrHorsPower claims? Somebody's off by a factor of 100!
0.0005 or even a whopping nickel … The intent of R is road and track …
Also - I don’t have a Vette or the car in the picture - so won’t be getting Dexos R … I do think both Dexos and Dexron are widely respected and folks can sure buy the associated lubes much cheaper than something with ZF or Mopar on the label … which may not even be a full synthetic …
