Data Logs (Charts) of Towing with an Ecoboost 2.3L and 10R80

Jun 12, 2004
Athens, GA
I was going to post this in @Chris142's High transmission temp thread, but as I kept adding stuff to the post I figured I'd drop it in its own post.

I've taken to logging data when we go on camping trips these days, I guess just because I like looking in on the workings of the tow rig. Visuals make me happy. I'm not looking for anything in particular, just how the systems of the truck work together.

This is the Ranger with the 10R80 transmission. Not the exact same as Chris's, but the little brother to his 10R140 (In his high temp thread). And we probably don't have quite the mountains here in GA that he has out in CA, but they can get plenty hilly from time to time. This is just an easy drive up into the foothills with the camper (8ft wide, 5800ish pounds). "Coolant Temp" is of course calculated from the cylinder head temp sensor, I've got no idea how that determines the coolant temp, haven't researched that much into it. The keen observer will notice a time jump at around 1310, we stopped for lunch and I snipped 40 min of data out that is just the truck sitting there. That's why the trans suddenly drops 10 degrees all of a sudden. We only touch maximum boost of 21 psi once or twice and that was just me hammering the pedal to the plastic....well, just because I guess. Normally the max I see towing is in the 15-18 range.

Chart below I plotted Trans Temp, Ambient Temp, Speed, Altitude, and Boost, just a quick and dirty chart for visual people (like me).

I figure there's other visual people out there that like to look at stuff like this, so here it is. I'm not an Excel wizard by any stretch of the imagination, so don't bash my charting skills, I'm a bit rusty. I've broken a couple things of note out below. Enjoy.

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Max trans temp was just after climbing an 8% grade coming into Cornelia GA at 225 deg. You climb the grade and then almost immediately hit a couple red least they're always red for me. At this point we're at just over 93 degrees outside temp. AC cranked, wife and dog in truck and fully loaded for camping, including about 20 gallons of water, so we're pretty heavy.

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Here's where we hit some pretty decent rain and outside temps drop from about 95 down to 71 measured (Orange Line). They climb a little after, but the overcast and being in the foothills kept the temp down for the rest of the trip. Trans temp falls back down to near 200, but we're not climbing a lot at this point either.

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Here I've stretched the chart WAAAAYYY out so you can see a detail of climbing the hill into Cornelia along with the two red lights at the top. This is where the trans temp peaks for the trip: You can see the one section where we're into about 16-17 psi of boost for a couple of minutes as we go up the hill, I forget what gear its in at this point, probably 5th or 6th if I had to guess. Just past that you can see one of the spots where I floored it for 10 seconds or so and it climbed up to what I'd imagine is max boost (~21psi ish).

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Yea-the highest mountain in Georgia is 4,700 feet. Come out West for something that would be challenging for your vehicle.

I-80 continues out of Laramie to ascend Sherman Hill through Telephone Canyon. The summit between Laramie and Cheyenne (elevation 8,640') is the highest point on the transcontinental I-80 Route.

I have to climb Parley's Summit to get out out the Salt Lake Valley at 7,100 feet.
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Yea-the highest mountain in Georgia is 4,700 feet. Come out West for something that would be challenging for your vehicle.

I-80 continues out of Laramie to ascend Sherman Hill through Telephone Canyon. The summit between Laramie and Cheyenne (elevation 8,640') is the highest point on the transcontinental I-80 Route.
Someday we'll get out that way.
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Lol, I'd never heard of that. I'll have to check it out if it is a slow night at work tonight.

Thanks for the heads up, looks pretty cool!