Darwin Award Given to Boyfriend by Mistake

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Originally Posted By: Volvo_ST1
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
But don't bring a gun to a dog fight.

Exactly. Use the Yaris Maneuver instead. That's how you show any dog who's boss.

Will the Yaris Maneuver work on other types of attackers?
Originally Posted By: Volvo_ST1
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
But don't bring a gun to a dog fight.

Exactly. Use the Yaris Maneuver instead. That's how you show any dog who's boss.

I keep this comic on my wall at work:

I didn't have any accurate numbers so I just made up this one.
Studies have shown that accurate numbers aren't any more useful than the ones you make up.

How many studies showed that?

Did you get it from the 2011 calendar, early May? I was debating whether I should keep it...
Carolyn Walker, 49, and Roosevelt Griffin, 57, were coming out of their nearby home to try and help break up the fight, when Walker tripped and accidentally fired a handgun she was carrying, police said.

It's obvious that we need to issue licenses for the highly dangerous activity of walking.
To be honest I'd bet that statistics that are biased are used by both sides of the gun issue to help justify their point. However I do believe that someone that is going to have a CC should be required to have some decent training. Afterall they are going out in the public with it and if not properly trained could endanger others. I'm not a fan of pistols in the house for self defense simply because a bullet can travel through the walls and still be a danger to others. For me I'll take the shotgun and then you don't have to worry about missing or a bullet going where you don't intend it to go.
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
Originally Posted By: Volvo_ST1
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
But don't bring a gun to a dog fight.

Exactly. Use the Yaris Maneuver instead. That's how you show any dog who's boss.

Will the Yaris Maneuver work on other types of attackers?

Let me tell you, the Yaris Maneuver and its manifold variations are ideal for educating, conditioning, defending, attacking, and for avenging. Besides, the Yaris Maneuver is affordable. You may even get away without having to use a cup!
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Carolyn Walker, 49, and Roosevelt Griffin, 57, were coming out of their nearby home to try and help break up the fight, when Walker tripped and accidentally fired a handgun she was carrying, police said.

It's obvious that we need to issue licenses for the highly dangerous activity of walking.

LOL...or better yet let's just ban walking!
Originally Posted By: Volvo_ST1
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
Originally Posted By: Volvo_ST1
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
But don't bring a gun to a dog fight.

Exactly. Use the Yaris Maneuver instead. That's how you show any dog who's boss.

Will the Yaris Maneuver work on other types of attackers?

Let me tell you, the Yaris Maneuver and its manifold variations are ideal for educating, conditioning, defending, attacking, and for avenging. Besides, the Yaris Maneuver is affordable. You may even get away without having to use a cup!

I'm somewhat concerned that you might not have time to grab your weapon in all situations.
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
I'm somewhat concerned that you might not have time to grab your weapon in all situations.

You should wear your kilt always military style.
Originally Posted By: Burt
They say you are ten times more likely to accidently shoot a loved one than use that same gun in self defense. That's why I don't own a gun.

Interesting reactions to my above post. I admit the 10x factor is mostly hyperbole and I have no factual basis. On the other hand, I wonder if people are using hand guns in self defense 1 million+ times per year. Wonder how many of the posters have used a gun in self defense. Probably none have killed loved ones either. I was not using the statistic as a reason for banning hand guns, just stating my personal reason for not owning a gun.
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
To be honest I'd bet that statistics that are biased are used by both sides of the gun issue to help justify their point. However I do believe that someone that is going to have a CC should be required to have some decent training. Afterall they are going out in the public with it and if not properly trained could endanger others. I'm not a fan of pistols in the house for self defense simply because a bullet can travel through the walls and still be a danger to others. For me I'll take the shotgun and then you don't have to worry about missing or a bullet going where you don't intend it to go.

ANY gun that is suitable for self defense has enough power to go through a wall. If it doesn't, it won't do anything to the bad guy.
Originally Posted By: chevrofreak
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
To be honest I'd bet that statistics that are biased are used by both sides of the gun issue to help justify their point. However I do believe that someone that is going to have a CC should be required to have some decent training. Afterall they are going out in the public with it and if not properly trained could endanger others. I'm not a fan of pistols in the house for self defense simply because a bullet can travel through the walls and still be a danger to others. For me I'll take the shotgun and then you don't have to worry about missing or a bullet going where you don't intend it to go.

ANY gun that is suitable for self defense has enough power to go through a wall. If it doesn't, it won't do anything to the bad guy.

Interesting! Has anyone any info on shotgun pellet dispersion after passing through a typical drywall wall?
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
To be honest I'd bet that statistics that are biased are used by both sides of the gun issue to help justify their point. However I do believe that someone that is going to have a CC should be required to have some decent training. Afterall they are going out in the public with it and if not properly trained could endanger others. I'm not a fan of pistols in the house for self defense simply because a bullet can travel through the walls and still be a danger to others. For me I'll take the shotgun and then you don't have to worry about missing or a bullet going where you don't intend it to go.

I'd prefer the shotgun simply because its a more intimidating weapon with all the firepower you could ask for in a close range home environment, and where concealment isn't an issue. Also easier to buy and legally own in Canada. My hope would be that I would not have to pull the trigger, and to that end, I think the sight of a shotgun more readily produces the desired heart stopping hesitation so that you are less likely to need to shoot.

We don't have the same trespass laws as some parts of the states where a break & entry is in itself grounds for deadly force. Our law only allows you to meet force (real or perceived) with equivalent force. That's where it can get messy, as if he doesn't have a gun pointed at you before you shot, you then will have to prove in court you perceived a threat of force equal to what you used (or create reasonable doubt for the prosecution). If you can't do that, then you'd likely get convicted of voluntary manslaughter, which was up to 10 years in prison as of when last I looked at our Criminal Code.

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