Critical Apple Security Update Available NOW 9/13/21

Sure enough there was an update waiting. Why wouldn't they send out a notification? Not that notifications work on ios...
I've always wondered why an update to fix one vulnerability requires a 400+ MB download.

This confused me as well. Usually a security update for iOS would be something like XX.5.1 as it would be a simple update but this was labeled as 14.8 which I presume is a full system update that also included security updates.

Apple usually updates iOS and their other software right before product releases. They have their new products coming out tomorrow.

They are also getting ready for iOS 15.
website link is behind a login/paywall.
Wow, yes, so strange... I can clink on the link from my phone and view it but on my Mac desktop I get this...
(no surprise though WSJ is very restrictive... yet family members could also view it, go figure...) But it is free... and maybe that is key "Continue with Apple" below and why I had no issue.
Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 7.52.48 AM.jpg
I'm not a computer wiz, but i saw an article a while back about apple new updates scanning people personal pictures. or something to that nature. what ya'll thoughts on that?
Yes, me too. I can only imagine being it is Apple that the upgrades are an entirely new OS or a significant part of it.
Since, as someone earlier pointed out, this update is postured as a "X.1" release instead of a more conventional "X.Y.1" release I would except that the vulnerability fix was either bundled into an overall system ".1" update and/ or the vulnerability may have affected a system library which indirectly affected a whole lot of other modular components and necessitated that they, too get patched.