Decided after 10 years/128.5K miles I'd do some intake cleaning on my (my son's now) 2013 Ford Focus - I've had this car since new. This has the DI non-turbo 2.0 w/5spd. Followed the directions on the can to a "T". Conveniently there was a port/sensor on the intake hose downstream of the MAF which made this v. easy. Had my son keep the RPM at 2K and pulsed the cleaner in until the car was empty. Ran it at a higher RPM then idle then off. Wait 1 hour. Drive it for 10 min on highway. Pulled out of our neighborhood and the audible knock/detonation scared me! This car is tuned and as such has to use 93 for the more aggressive timing from the tune. It smoked and pinged...I thought I blew it up the sound was so loud. Then poof! All was back to normal. Runs smooth as silk. Did the oil change after and used LM Engine Flush followed by 3.5 qt Supertech 5W20 and a bottle of HPL's 30 EC. Will change this out in a few mos/few K miles I think or maybe run it normal ~4-5K OCI and replace the filter after 2K. Should be right as rain for him to autocross now.