CPO Honda w/ transmission pulsation - dealer can’t diagnose - sell or keep pushing for repair?

Alot of young techs will fill it with cvt fluid because it's a cvt. But it's an Ecvt so it actually takes dw1 trans fluid ! Just wanted to mention
If you end up doing multiple transmission fluid drain and fills be sure to drive it enough after each fill to mix the new very well with what was left in it. Many of these systems only get out about half of what is in it when they do a drain and fill. So that could be why it may take more than one drain and fill to get it to come around.

Transmission fluid was drained & filled @ dealer on Tuesday. Charged for 4 quarts of DW-1 at $10 each, $97 labor. Plus drain bolt gasket, misc shop materials came to $163 tax included. Cheaper than I expected. My Subaru CVT flush was some $380 a few years ago

These past couple of days I’ve been trying to replicate the issue and so far the shudder is 99% gone. I can feel it very slightly if I’m trying to look for it but it is nowhere near as frequent as it used to be. If I just drive normally I don’t feel the power changeover anymore so it’s definitely running smoother. I believe another drain & fill would probably do the trick but the weather has been excessively hot & humid out so once it cools down next week I’ll run the same route to confirm the results and go from there.

I guess my F150 is gonna need an ATF fluid change too. As I was going to pick up my Accord it started acting weird. Possibly torque converter issue? Very fine vibration when it drops into OD. On the fence about it because I have an appointment tomorrow to see a new Ridgeline. Might trade both my cars in depending on how the numbers are. I’d definitely miss the Accord Touring creature comforts if I go through with it. Gonna have to sleep on it for a bit.
I was leaning towards atf fluid issues too. The friction and viscosity changes as it ages which can become clumsy, generally speaking. My f150 has a very balky transmission. Fresh fluid can really help a lot.

My son has a 4Runner with 92k miles. We just did a single drain/fill and he told me the change in the transmission is remarkable.

I’m glad it’s helping your accord!
I take that back. Transmission still does the shudder thing. The new fluid hasn’t fixed anything. I believe it is related to humidity/ambient temps. 80 degrees no issues, been running great til today(70°F, 91% humidity, rained this morning). Out of nowhere it started doing it again.

I’ve got a couple months left on power train warranty. Once that’s up it’s getting traded in. I don’t think it’s fixable without replacing the whole trans unit.