Company “23 and me” hacked. DNA information on members and relatives released to web hackers

This is very true.

And what would that be? I had a relative I didn't know that was in my tree contact me. Wasn't a big deal. Of course maybe if you are related to Ted Bundy or Charles Manson or something.......

So what did she found out that was "dark" or "bad"? You opened the door-let's walk through it.
Nope. Door is closed. It was a general info post. You are taking this to a very dark place…

If you see no potential for harm or misuse of this genetic and family tree information on the web then we just disagree on that point. That’s okay. Utah is the epicenter in the US for keeping genealogy records so your experience in this area probably does not match mine.
Nope. Door is closed. It was a general info post. You are taking this to a very dark place…

If you see no potential for harm or misuse of this genetic and family tree information on the web then we just disagree on that point. That’s okay. Utah is the epicenter in the US for keeping genealogy records so your experience in this area probably does not match mine.
There is potential for harm and misuse. However-I agree with the poster above-getting your Social Security number or hacking your online financial info is far worst. So basically your Sister didn't have a negative experience-it's just your opinion on what "could happen". So lets be clear it's your opinion.
There is potential for harm and misuse. However-I agree with the poster above-getting your Social Security number or hacking your online financial info is far worst. So basically your Sister didn't have a negative experience-it's just your opinion on what "could happen". So lets be clear it's your opinion.
Wow, I have not given that information. It doesn’t really matter.

I’d rather not have my DNA or my social security or my financial information out on the web. By the way - yes, that is my opinion if you have trouble deducing that from the discussion context.
Never understood all this obsession over privacy on medical records. I get that people don't want embarrassing conditions made public, but who cares if some total stranger doing hacking of thousands of records sees you were treated for VD or 'roids. I'd think someone that got your SSN would do more damage.

Medical records are private records and contain personally identifiable information. SSNs are also on medical records as well.
I assume that anything I have ever put into a computer, or someone put into a computer on my behalf, is now public domain somewhere.

I would never submit to a voluntary DNA test, but I presume since they have taken my blood at a public hospital, they have it somewhere - and I assume its also public domain.

Do I care? I tend not to care about things I have no influence on - so no. But I wish it wasn't like this. Wait till AI takes over. It will figure out how to use your DNA against you somehow.
Even medical records aren't secure. The most secure network you can find is one which is 100 percent self-contained.

I know people in both IT and cybersecurity in Fortune 500 companies and having spoken to them numerous times about IT security, I’ve reached the informed conclusion that the most secure network you can find is the one that doesn’t exist!
If I were to do it I would probably use a fake name and email to begin with. You never want a distance step sibling or uncles suddenly want to "connect" because you guys are "relatives".
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I was contacted by the out of wedlock daughter of a deceased first cousin. Her father was my first cousin, but I had little contact with him. He died at a youngish age of a heart attack. I came up as a close relative to her, and my last name was similar to that of her father. She wanted to find out something more about who her father was. Her mother now deceased, preferred to not tell her much.

It was a surprise to me that my first cousin had such a relationship resulting in a daughter. Nobody in my family was aware of this.
My dad has 8 sisters, some died young and he ended up growing up with 2, and a few were given away as infants. I am not sure who would reach out to me if I do any of these kit.

One friend back in my college days was attacked by a serial something. He was finally caught 20 years later by these kit and the police search through people's relative after some match, again and again submitting closer and closer DNA they can find till they get him. Life in prison now so I do support these kind of use.

We are now in a world where everything would leave a trace and people hopefully will know they can never getaway from a crime, or knocking up someone and run to the far end of the world.
My medical privacy is important to me. As far as my DNA, there’s no way I would do a test but if you think about it it’s super easy to get someone’s DNA. Just grab the Dunkin Doughnuts cup they just threw in the garbage, you have DNA.
I'm pretty unimpressed with most of my family that I already know about so I'd never use one of these services. I can only imagine what craziness I would find if I went digging further into my family lineage!
Some of us find family lineage more interesting that fuel dilution in oil or the difference between 5W/30 and 0w/40 at operating temperatures.

You know finding when you previous generations migrated to America, or where in Europe (or where ever) they were originally from, which side of the Civil War they may have fought on, or what battles in Word War Two they participated in. Finally-how far back you can really track them.

So yea......
Some of us find family lineage more interesting that fuel dilution in oil or the difference between 5W/30 and 0w/40 at operating temperatures.

You know finding when you previous generations migrated to America, or where in Europe (or where ever) they were originally from, which side of the Civil War they may have fought on, or what battles in Word War Two they participated in. Finally-how far back you can really track them.

So yea......
Some of us find family lineage more interesting that fuel dilution in oil or the difference between 5W/30 and 0w/40 at operating temperatures.

You know finding when you previous generations migrated to America, or where in Europe (or where ever) they were originally from, which side of the Civil War they may have fought on, or what battles in Word War Two they participated in. Finally-how far back you can really track them.

So yea......
My dad was born to an unwed mother, who promptly abandoned him with her parents (my grandparents) and left. I knew this from a young age because my great grandmother lived close to us, then with us, but I only saw my grandmother a handful of times and my dad called her by her first name. I never thought to ask who grandad was, and was never told.

After my father passed away recently, I found out who grandad was. Turns out I was related to half the small town I grew up in. I am glad I didn't know then, and wish I didn't know now actually - but at least I live far away.
Both sides of my family came from southern Lithuania and northern Belarus. Centuries ago, the Mongol hoards of Ghengis Khan went through the area and left a lot of DNA.

My maternal grandmother always maintained that we were part "Mongol"

And as a result, my DNA analysis shows I am almost 50% western Asian, Mongolian, and Siberian, closely related to native American. Not a total surprise that I have Asian DNA, but the percentage is surprisingly high.

As Popeye used to say "I am what I am and that's all that I am, I'm Popeye the sailor man"
My dad was born to an unwed mother, who promptly abandoned him with her parents (my grandparents) and left. I knew this from a young age because my great grandmother lived close to us, then with us, but I only saw my grandmother a handful of times and my dad called her by her first name. I never thought to ask who grandad was, and was never told.

After my father passed away recently, I found out who grandad was. Turns out I was related to half the small town I grew up in. I am glad I didn't know then, and wish I didn't know now actually - but at least I live far away.
Some would like to know that info and use 23 and me to find out who/what their father really was. There are untold possibilities as to his background.

FYI-some of us have similar stories.
The matriarchs have traditionally held the family secrets, but cheap DNA testing pulled that drawer out and turned it over on the ground.

Paternity fraud is so prevalent that Pat testing is illegal in France without a court order.

Data loss in a DNA service - gee what a shock.
Their security guarantees are worth nothing, might as well not even exist.
Some of us find family lineage more interesting that fuel dilution in oil or the difference between 5W/30 and 0w/40 at operating temperatures.

Of my 8 great-grandparents, 4 were not born in the USA, 3 were born in the USA to foreign-born parents on both sides, and 1 was born to 1 foreign born parent and one US-born parent. Put another way, 15 of my 16 great-great grandparents were foreign-born. My mother is foreign-born (Germany).

I find it interesting to learn where my ancestors came from.

Many people, however, are so uninterested or ignorant of where they came from that they list their ancestry as "American" on the census forms...