Cherry or Lemon?

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Feb 16, 2009
I am kind of a subaru guy. I have owned 6 so far and i cant help to look at good deals when i see them.

I picked up a 1990 Legacy L AWD a couple of days ago for $1000. 81500 miles, garage kept. I cannot find a flaw with it other than a few oddball interior things.

Car was manufactured in 2/89 and with my research it must be one of the first off the assembly line destined for the USA.

The man i bought it off of was a subaru mechanic and said that an old man owned it then died.. he bought it a year ago and put all new updated seals and was going to drive it but needed quick cash so listed it on craigs.

Long story short i cant really flip this car for a profit unless i find someone like myself into subes. If i keep it im driving an antique in a year (25 years old)..

I know older cars seem to stay in the shop...which is Lemon.
But this is a lower mileage very highly engineered vehicle that is capable of 500K miles.

What are your thoughts?
Sounds like a good deal to me. You don't have much in it, so I'd be inclined to drive it for a while to feel it out - to see how reliable it is. If it turns out to be a lemon, you can punt it and probably recoup what you have in it.

Does it have a manual transmission?
I would get it. That's a small investment for a car you like and know is well designed mechanically. You could get your money back if you decide you don't like it later since cars that cheap are usually pretty easy to sell.
I couldn't buy anything for $1000 around here and expect it to run. I don't know what type of position you are in, but if you like driving it, keep it until the wheels fall off.
The story seems pretty half baked but if the car checks out that's all that matters.
Very cool. Subbie fan here as well.If the metal is in good shape, that is a very cool car. Flipping will be odd, not enough folks to really drive the price of a early Legacy upwards, but hold on to it, you never know.
Originally Posted By: FutureDoc
Very cool. Subbie fan here as well.If the metal is in good shape, that is a very cool car. Flipping will be odd, not enough folks to really drive the price of a early Legacy upwards, but hold on to it, you never know.

The only old ones that currently people care about are the 1991-1994 Legacy Turbo. Incredible engine and very stout.

I absolutely love my wife's 2005 Legacy turbo wagon 5mt, the best iteration IMHO of Legacy.
One of the things about driving an old vehicle is preemptive maintence.

I spend basically 1/3 of a car note monthly on replacing random parts that aren't broken...just old. I do all the work myself, but it still adds up. Rockauto treats me like royalty.

The real savings comes in the form of fuel and insurance. My insurance is dirt cheap for full coverage with 4k of extra insurance for aftermarket mods. And I get 23mpg on average...with is about 80% more than what I would get out of any other 4x4 lifted on 33s.

I suppose it depends on what you like. If the paint and body are good. Run it forever. Mine was made in 94...gets beat on daily, and people still wonder what it is because it cleans up so well.

My vote...let it ride.
I have a 2001 Forester that I bought 2 years ago for $250. It needed a head gasket. I did it myself with a friend and i drive it every day. 363,000 miles and no end in sight.

I bought a 1998 forester last year for $500 because the owner thought it needed a head gasket but the thermostat was stuck. Wife drives it every day 130,000 miles but its a dual overhead cam and isnt as powerful as my 01 with almost triple the miles.

A friend of mines parents bought a 1990 legacy new and his dad delivered the mail in it for 20 has over 400,000 miles and no end in sight..

IF this one checks out it will probably take me 20 more years to get it near the 300000 mile mark..and by that time we will probably be driving space ships.
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