Cheap Tools

Apr 7, 2010
I can't say I've ever broken a ratchet using it as a hammer, but I hammer with some mechanical sympathy when using a ratchet, or use the handle.... Abuse within reasonable limits is my tool use policy.
Pipe as a breaker bar extension, hammer as a poor man's impact wrench used on the pipe. If it works though, I'm not sure it qualifies as misuse.
Used to be said the difference between man and animal was that man used tools. That no longer applies now they have found numerous animals that use tools. Perhaps the actual difference is that animals don't misuse tools.
Interesting info from ChatGPT:

Many animals in the wild use tools to accomplish various tasks. Here are some examples of animals known to use tools:
  1. Chimpanzees: Chimpanzees are perhaps the most famous tool users among non-human animals. They use sticks to extract termites from mounds, rocks to crack open nuts, and leaves as sponges to drink water.
  2. Crows: Crows are highly intelligent birds known for their tool-making and using abilities. They fashion tools out of sticks and other materials to access food in hard-to-reach places.
  3. Octopuses: Some species of octopuses have been observed using coconut shells and other objects as shelter or protection.
  4. Dolphins: Dolphins have been seen using sponges to protect their snouts while foraging on the ocean floor, preventing abrasions.
  5. Elephants: Elephants use branches and logs to scratch themselves or swat at flies and insects.
  6. Sea otters: Sea otters use rocks and other hard objects to crack open shells of their prey, such as clams and abalones.
  7. New Caledonian crows: These crows are particularly skilled tool users and have been observed creating and using tools for a variety of purposes, including extracting insects from crevices.
  8. Gorillas: Gorillas have been observed using sticks to measure water depth before wading through it.