Chain lube ?

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Originally Posted By: road_rascal
I've been using a DuPont branded Teflon spray I bought at Lowe's. Works great. I usually get about 30-35,000 out of chains on my 750. PJ1 chain lubes are good too, and WD-40 seems to get used alot on the other MC boards I visit.
DuPont changed the formula and the blue can is no longer good enough for chains. You need the yellow can chain lube from DuPont.

There are a multitude of chain lube options. Triflow has its followers. PG1 blue is one good one. Some swear by the weakest lube known to man, WD-40. ATF has adherents. Wurth makes an excellent chain lube. I use Schaeffer's moly & graphite chain lube. Chainsaw bar oil has its stickum so less is thrown on the bike. (I'd stick to the PG1 Blue or DuPont yellow can or Wurth, or Schaeffer's if you can find it.)

Modern chains have o-rings to seal factory lube between the pin and the bushing, but they need additional lube between the bushing and the roller. This pic from EK Chain shows it:

By the way, modern chains don't stretch except for the initial use after a new chain is installed. They seldom need adjustment for many thousands of miles. When they start to need regular adjustment they're dying due to wear between the pins and bushings. As always, slightly loose is better than slightly tight.
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