Catalytic Converter Etching Kits


Site Donor 2023
Aug 7, 2020
This morning I received a message from our local police department offering community residents free catalytic converter etching kits. The El Cerrito Police Department (E.C.P.D) has chosen CATETCH Label Solution as a method for marking catalytic converters to deter theft.

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When it becomes a felony in all 50 states including the max fine for tampering with emissions equipment and mandatory one year in prison for converter theft, along with a felony for any company to receive any converter media without the vehicle title and owner present.....this might change.
What prevents a thief from grinding off the etched portion and selling it?

The outer case isn't what's valued, its the minerals inside the cat which is valuable.
It's the same reason why a FFL won't buy a firearm with the serials ground off. Scrape businesses are open to audit and there's a papertrail. Again..VIN etching is just another layer of deterrence like every law on the books.

Scrap yards don't immediately break down the cat once its purchased.
"Kit" implies that you do it yourself?
I wonder what the vehicle owner does?
I wish the notice included a brand name of etching kit.
I don't want to bother a far away police department with a phone call.
"Kit" implies that you do it yourself?
I wonder what the vehicle owner does?
I wish the notice included a brand name of etching kit.
I don't want to bother a far away police department with a phone call.
I included a link to the company that provides the material.
There's also a link in the announcement which will provide more information.
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This will do absolutely nothing. Anyone stealing or buying a stolen cat could careless. If they find a stash of stolen cats with VINs on them, what good is that? You get your sawed off cat back?

In order to convict someone of theft, it's necessary to prove that the property was in fact stolen. VINs etched on the property makes that easier to do.
Sounds like a fleece of the taxpayers. The sheriff's department purchased the kits, with what money?
Some company figured out how to sell a useless product to be bought with taxpayer money.

You can easily grind off any etching, 30 seconds after you remove the cat.
They will probably use cordless shoplifted tools.

In addition to theft , vandalism, cat thieves  should be charged with a federal crime of tampering with emissions systems.
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So, they get caught with an etched cat, get an appearance ticket and blend back into the hood until they finally get caught doing something else then the outstanding warrant finally gets them 3 hots and a cot. It's the new world.
The scrouts in these parts that have the knowhow to steal cats and copper know how to run tools and either scratch it out or cut out the substrate. Bravo.