Castrol Edge vs Extended Performance

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May 8, 2015
East Coast
Hey guys, what's the main difference between these 2 in a 5W30 snythetic ? Does the EP have a higher detergent pack for longer drain intervals ? Just wondering if the EP has more Calcium vs the Edge. Just so nobody gets confused, I'm referring to Castrol Extended Performance.
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I have read that the Edge EP has better shear stability, which would make sense with more Boron. Higher Calcium would make sense for a longer run, but not at the expense of almost no Magnesium. The Blackstone Labs VOA seems off or fishy...I'd want to see more than one VOA before I passed judgement on that. Those numbers don't add up.
The Gold bottle has shown itself to be very shear stable, so you can figure that likely has something to do with base oils and not something you'll detect in a VOA/UOA.

If Castrol markets one as an extended drain oil over the other, you can be sure there must be a reason.
The VI on the 5W-30 Extended Performance is 166 vs 159 for the regular Edge. Both have Titanium in them, just wondering if they are the exact same oil (base wise) with the Extended Performance have more VI improver & detergents for longer DI's. I'm specifically wondering if Castrol went the way of High Calcium for the Extended Performance vs being a usually high Magnesium oil. I'm tempted to just buy a quart of each & send both off for comparison VOA's.....I actually called Castrol with this question & was told quote "the exact formulation is propritory, & isn't public information"....I explained how I could easily send off a sample for analyst, but really wanted to save the money by doing that....again it was like talking to a tape recorder with the same line, again & again. The VOA's I've seen on here are mostly the older Castrol edge with Syntec (without titanium) & the other one I've seen didn't even list titanium from Blackstone (their error I guess).
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The each look like good products.

The EP only a little better due to its additive package.

The black bottle Edge is plenty robust and should work, with high initial TBN and a good bit of magnesium, in longer OCI's too.

Castrol's US products are, I believe, much better than they were a few years ago.
Castrol's US products are, I believe, much better than they were a few years ago.

I agree. Edge is a very good.
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