Drew2: "2018 toyota prado with the 1GD-FTV 2.8 and DPF - the manual specifies c2 0w30 or 5w30"<Viscosity> cst@100deg. C:
Nulon APEX+ Euro C3 5W-30: 11.5
Shell Helix Ultra C2/C3 0W-30: 11.9
Mobil1 ESP C3 5W-30: 11.8
Looking at the three choices above it's only Shell Helix Ultra 0W30 ECT that formally meets C2 and C3. The M1 5W30 ESP meets C3 and is suitable for C2, according to Mobil. The Nulon Apex makes no mention of C2, neither does the Edge 0W30 LL or 5W30 LL.
Looking at the ACEA sequences, apart from the HTHS (high temperature high shear) viscosity requirements already mentioned, the only difference between C2 and C3 is that a C2 oil has to show a greater fuel economy improvement than C3.
Probably why M1 says suitable for C2 applications but doesn't formally claim C2. They didn't quite make the required fuel economy improvement over the reference test oil. I would still happily use M1 ESP if I could find it at a reasonable price.
But the clear choice is the Shell Helix Ultra 0W30 ECT, it clearly matches your vehicle requirements, is available everywhere at reasonable prices (for Australia) and also has a lot of extra high quality OEM approvals. From the Shell web page
Specifications: ACEA C2, ACEA C3, API SN, VW504.00/507.00, MB 229.52, MB 229.51, MB 229.31, Fiat 955535.GS1 & Fiat 955535.DS1 (meets requirements), Porsche C30.
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