Brutality, with intent to kill....

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Originally Posted by Nickdfresh
I'm not sure where you got the idea that the media ignores serial killers, probably quite the opposite.

I didn't say they ignored them. I said they didn't stop happening. It's actually quite the contrary. They no longer get the coverage they received like Gacy, Dhamer, or Bundy did back in the day. The same way coverage of school shootings has died off quickly after they happen. As opposed to when Patrick Purdy shot up a Stockton, California schoolyard back in the 80's with an AK. Now ask yourself how I can remember that, but can't tell you when the last one was? Same reason. More and better coverage then, as opposed to now.
FTR I am in no way advocating it! Times have changed! There are people that have trained to fight [self defense] and go about it under the assumption the opponent could have a weapon, and use it from the ground. In some instances that may very well be the reason some people stomp heads. In a self defense situation, a knock out or stomping the hands so a person can't use a weapon is a better way than risking killing or permanently disabling someone. Operative words here are self defense.
Originally Posted by demarpaint
FTR I am in no way advocating it! Times have changed! There are people that have trained to fight [self defense] and go about it under the assumption the opponent could have a weapon, and use it from the ground. In some instances that may very well be the reason some people stomp heads. In a self defense situation, a knock out or stomping the hands so a person can't use a weapon is a better way than risking killing or permanently disabling someone. Operative words here are self defense.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

As attacks worsen, and become much more violent, the response to that violence must escalate as well. If not you are going to be far more likely to be on the losing end. Women used to be taught to try and kick a guy in the nuts, or spray him with Mace. Today they're taught to gouge at their attackers eyes. Or else flat out shoot them if they are armed.
Originally Posted by billt460
Originally Posted by demarpaint
FTR I am in no way advocating it! Times have changed! There are people that have trained to fight [self defense] and go about it under the assumption the opponent could have a weapon, and use it from the ground. In some instances that may very well be the reason some people stomp heads. In a self defense situation, a knock out or stomping the hands so a person can't use a weapon is a better way than risking killing or permanently disabling someone. Operative words here are self defense.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

As attacks worsen, and become much more violent, the response to that violence must escalate as well. If not you are going to be far more likely to be on the losing end. Women used to be taught to try and kick a guy in the nuts, or spray him with Mace. Today they're taught to gouge at their attackers eyes. Or else flat out shoot them if they are armed.

I've trained in and taught self defense for almost 40 years now. The best defense is not to be in harms way. LOL But we don't live in a perfect world. To keep is short, I try and avoid confrontation, if I have to defend myself I will do whatever I have to do to survive. There are a lot of sick people in the world unfortunately. I taught women to try and take a man's sight way, [and the groin shots, most knew that from when they were little girls] make a lot of noise and get the [censored] away the first chance they get.

Yes, times have changed, and not for the best unfortunately.
If attacked and no knowledge of fighting?.... aim your fingers for the attackers eyeballs and poke at least one of them out.
That will stop the attacker in a hurry, for his rage turns to fear that he's about to lose his other eye, if he continues.

If you cannot out-run the attacker, keep sidestepping the attacker until you get close enough to use your hand(s) at his face. Then seek help and/or call 911 when the attack ceases.
It's always a fair question to ask what's wrong with our society today, and there are bad trends and new twists. But there always has been as well.

The population is higher/denser than "the good old days", so the occasional rare act of violence somewhere far away, is now closer and more frequent. Also many things never made the news back in the day, now it is all captured on phone cam, dash cam or security cam.

If you go digging for period outrages- Victorian vitriol throwing for example, Jack the Ripper, Black Dahlia- plenty of stuff out there. And even more that never made the news.
Originally Posted by demarpaint
FTR I am in no way advocating it! Times have changed! There are people that have trained to fight [self defense] and go about it under the assumption the opponent could have a weapon, and use it from the ground. In some instances that may very well be the reason some people stomp heads. In a self defense situation, a knock out or stomping the hands so a person can't use a weapon is a better way than risking killing or permanently disabling someone. Operative words here are self defense.

If you knock the guy on his rear, you won that fight. If you knock him on his rear, then stomp him good and smash his knees, hands, head, and genitals, you have won that fight...and every fight you might have ever had with him.
Originally Posted by Triple_Se7en
If attacked and no knowledge of fighting?.... aim your fingers for the attackers eyeballs and poke at least one of them out.
That will stop the attacker in a hurry, for his rage turns to fear that he's about to lose his other eye, if he continues.

If you cannot out-run the attacker, keep sidestepping the attacker until you get close enough to use your hand(s) at his face. Then seek help and/or call 911 when the attack ceases.

Aim at center mass and keep firing until the threat is neutralized.
Originally Posted by demarpaint
Originally Posted by billt460
Originally Posted by demarpaint
FTR I am in no way advocating it! Times have changed! There are people that have trained to fight [self defense] and go about it under the assumption the opponent could have a weapon, and use it from the ground. In some instances that may very well be the reason some people stomp heads. In a self defense situation, a knock out or stomping the hands so a person can't use a weapon is a better way than risking killing or permanently disabling someone. Operative words here are self defense.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

As attacks worsen, and become much more violent, the response to that violence must escalate as well. If not you are going to be far more likely to be on the losing end. Women used to be taught to try and kick a guy in the nuts, or spray him with Mace. Today they're taught to gouge at their attackers eyes. Or else flat out shoot them if they are armed.

I've trained in and taught self defense for almost 40 years now. The best defense is not to be in harms way. LOL But we don't live in a perfect world. To keep is short, I try and avoid confrontation, if I have to defend myself I will do whatever I have to do to survive. There are a lot of sick people in the world unfortunately. I taught women to try and take a man's sight way, [and the groin shots, most knew that from when they were little girls] make a lot of noise and get the [censored] away the first chance they get.

Yes, times have changed, and not for the best unfortunately.

Originally Posted by Triple_Se7en
If attacked and no knowledge of fighting?.... aim your fingers for the attackers eyeballs and poke at least one of them out.
That will stop the attacker in a hurry......

No knowledge at all = victim.

As demarpaint indicated, you need the knowledge of how not to be selected as a victim in the first place. Parents in this day and age must teach their children how to not be seen and selected as a victim and some basic self defense in case you are.
Originally Posted by Jarlaxle
Originally Posted by demarpaint
FTR I am in no way advocating it! Times have changed! There are people that have trained to fight [self defense] and go about it under the assumption the opponent could have a weapon, and use it from the ground. In some instances that may very well be the reason some people stomp heads. In a self defense situation, a knock out or stomping the hands so a person can't use a weapon is a better way than risking killing or permanently disabling someone. Operative words here are self defense.

If you knock the guy on his rear, you won that fight. If you knock him on his rear, then stomp him good and smash his knees, hands, head, and genitals, you have won that fight...and every fight you might have ever had with him.

Yet you lose because you are in jail and he may own your stuff.
Here's my thoughts, from 15 years of self defense training and teaching. Animals in the wild with deadly weapons like teeth, antlers, poison and such develop social means to select who is dominant without normally causing fatalities. Humans fall into this group as well, but at our fringes, we are losing the safety net of how to interact socially. This results in these incidents of brutality. Sad stuff.
Ultra- violence was the term coined by Anthony Burgess in "A Clockwork Orange" He nailed it . It is why 18 yr olds make the best cannon fodder. Hormone poisoning. Add some dysfunctional social conditions. Over crowding mice makes for some horrific analogies. I blame video, most especially gaming.
Groan all you want. Exposing kids to this sort of stuff is wrong. They are too impressionable. Blah blah blah. Jeepers, I sound like my Dad
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This cannot be pointed to any one cause. It's a combination of things. Lack of parenting. Single parent, usually the mother with no father to give advice. No activities. Peer pressure.

For so many kids, the gangs have replaced the father figure. Kids are looking for structure and guidance in their lives. If they don't get it at home then they are easy pickings for the gangs.

Add to this the growing sentiment that children are a disposable item and you have the feral society we are seeing now.
True. When I was 11, I got my first firearm. When we were on our way to the woods, we would sometimes see the Sheriff driving by. We would all raise our guns into the air in friendly salutations. He would honk his horn and wave at us as he drove by.

One day a kid brought his revolver to school and was showing it to kids on the bus. Bus driver took it and kept it until it was that kids stop. Gave it back to him and thanked him for it being unloaded.
Threads like this make me want to concealed carry because I'm a 130lbs gay guy who would lose ANY physical fight I was in...
Originally Posted by dogememe
Threads like this make me want to concealed carry because I'm a 130lbs gay guy who would lose ANY physical fight I was in...

Bruce Lee was only 130-140lbs.

Unless you have some real physical disability, using a firearm in a physical confrontation is dicey, unless you are about to be killed or facing multiple attackers, even then a jury may not support you.
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I must admit I have some of the same observations. At the risk of sounding like a fossil, when I was a kid you just wanted to win the fight. It seems now its shifted to a prison mentality where the combattants feel obligated to continue far past the point of "winning the fight" to obliterating the person who lost. It's a troubling thing to witness. I have some thoughts on why that is:

I've long wondered if there needs to be a "vent" for people, especially boys drowning in powerful hormones for the first time, to work things out. I question whether intervening at every "microaggression" is healthy. I'm not sure "back in your cage" applies to everyone, all the time. Creatures who feel trapped view things differently and can be prone to making extreme sacrifices to escape. I can remember getting into some brawls as a kid where it was really the last option we felt was available, mostly because we weren't smart enough to navigate around it. Despite being the "victor", you'd be sore for a few days after and would consider other methods to resolve differences next time. I wonder if not allowing smaller brawls results in the internal pressure building to a point that "it all comes out at once" in these life changing events. Without the experience of being in a few dust-ups with less potential for permanent damage, they may just be revelling in the opportunity to FINALLY let it out.

I'd be curious if allowing a brawl under certain conditions, where you'd be less likely to get permanent damage, might be a good thing for society in general. I wonder if understanding that we came from a tribal background and can be prone to violence, without going so far as celebrating it, can help people deal with issues. It's as though we view all physical conflicts as being solely negative and destructive. I'm not sure that's truly the case. You might view your situation differently after some intense physical exertion and taking a few blows for your ideas.

To summarize, I wonder if we are activating the "fight or flight" response of these people by trapping them with no other options (or at least that is what they feel). That response is meant to give people the strength to put aside all other logic and plow through the obstacle that they view as trapping them, regardless of the cost. What if we could diffuse this by giving them another path?
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Things were worse in olden times. Impaling people, quartering, crucifixion, and all that. The Romans were horrible. Not popular to say, but if all humans were taken off earth it would be a better place imo. But we think we are so special.
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