Bottom fill transmission adapter kits


Nov 6, 2017
I'd like to get a proper bottom fill setup with a decent selection of adapters. If it matters, I don't necessarily need euro -- figure mostly domestic and Toyota/Nissan

The thing is, I'm all over the map: do I just want adapters (and cobble on my manual pump), or do I want a basic reservoir with manual pump, or an air-powered setup.....?

It won't see frequent use so manual pumping isn't necessarily terrible.

I've been looking at CTA, OTC, and inexpensive imports. There's an OMT kit on Amazon that interested me, but then several reviews say it keeps pumping shards of plastic -- not great.

Not really interested in DIY setups with hardware store parts or garden sprayers or anything like that. The idea is to work with the tool, not on the tool this time.
I have this HERE, Then I bought extra fluid pumps for different ATF.

The whip kinda sucks as it will leak at the push connects....I use barbs & ear clamps to repair them once they start leaking. I tried trimming the hose & reinserting them back in the push connects.....2-3 more uses & it's back to leaking.
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