Bizare border busts

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Interesting that this was put in the "Humor" section. These pictures made me sad, angry, outraged, etc.....but they didn't make me smile or laugh.
i'm really surprised #4 didn't work, and is it just me or was #11 drugs made to look like assault rifle magazines? that won't make the cops look closer.
I had a jar of Pennsylvanian bacon dressing intercepted at the border and detained...will be destroyed in 30 days.

I trust that my jerky that was intercepted when I re-entered Oz after my holiday is in the same place.

Had a tonne of plain bearings held up for a day while they were inspected for seeds and animal faeces.

And somehow there's a heroin and cocaine issue in the country.
Originally Posted By: Samilcar
Link made hot.,0,5565892.photogallery

The surfboard one really intrigues me, as the caption says it was intercepted while the guy was paddling it to shore. Did this guy really take off from Mexico for the U.S. while paddling a drug filled surfboard?

As far as dealing with the ocean, it would be easy. The same beach runs along Tijuana Mexico and San Diego County California. The Border Patrol is another issue. I would assume that this area is closely watched.
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