best priced used oil analysis?

May 27, 2023
hey all i assume this topic has already been discussed but since its 2025 i assumed maybe someone had a diff company or a diff type of list for this topic

looking for the better priced used oil analysis service. i just don't fathom spending $50 + to speed diag for a analysis which probably costs a fraction of the price. i normally use cat dealers as they are local and pretty fast and i think they only costed $20 last time i used one but don't seem to have one nearby

i believe blackstone is around the $35 mark ish. i could be mistaken but i am assuming all of these brands and lab tests are close enough for a normal guy like me. i am not looking for 99.9999% accuracy or a different type of analysis which is 2x more higher resolution (yada yada money grab)

anyone recommend? maybe we got a chemist on here that started doing these from his garage ahahah

Rockauto used to sell the WIX kits cheap. I remember buying the in packs of 4 and they were less than $10 each with shipping. This was pre-covid pricing, I haven’t bought any recently.

The oil analyzer kits are a great value if you have an Amsoil PC membership.
Oil Analyzers
Amsoil's service (uses Oil Analyzers, but can be a better price)
Your local Caterpillar dealer often has an oil lab
Polaris Labs
You local oil distributor has analysis programs, too, through at least one of their major brands.

Essentially everyone is less expensive than BSLabs for the same or more data.
Pre paid UPS or USPS kits with my preferred Amsoil acct for $32. Usually takes 9ish days to receive results.
The catch is you got to make a large enough order ($100) to get free shipping to you.
I think I paid about $35 CAD, at AGAT Labs. After exchange that equal to about $25 USD.
They are near by with after hours drop off so I don't need to pay additional shipping.

Maybe its increased, I haven't received my invoice for latest sample

I think the sample collection containers are about $4 each. I buy them by the box as I need them.
Speediagnostix uses Predictive Maintenance if you want to see what they sell kits for but you may have to go through a "local agent" which can be kind of a pain. Start a spreadsheet b/c you will see that one lab does X results & the other lab does X results. Overall though the labs are fairly identical for results. Things like TBN (BN) or GC Fuel testing is what you'll need to decide on as well.