Best Guitar Solo

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Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac ! Check out The Dance videos on youtube and other live cocnerts from back in the day. Nobody can beat or play the Rick Turner Model One Guitar like Lindsey Buckingham lol !
Surprised that Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top not mentioned. Rough boy

Excellent player and really great to see live. Knows his blues.

Also BB King. Lindsey Buckingham. Of course SRV.

Nancy Wilson of Heart. Plays REAL well. 55 years old!

I agree - Buckingham and Billy Gibbons are 2 great players that get overlooked a lot; I LOVE the 2nd solo on "rough boy"

check out acoustic performances of Bunckingham's "big love" - the guy has talent.
I thought about this when I saw the thread a while back but couldn't think of any one out of hundreds offhand, but I've been a music lover for many years and I can now tell you what one of my favorite lead guitar solos of all time is :

Boy Crazy - The Tubes

It's at the end of the song. Sounds so good to me I always tend to turn it up as loud as I possibly can.
PS - the 1st time I heard "Boy Crazy" was in 1977 when my friend's band played it at a dance. Then I got the album and have loved it ever since. It's one of my favorite albums of all time. Great band IMHO. I love them.

The solo starts at 3:23

Boy Crazy
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