Back on the bike

Jul 7, 2014
Winnipeg MB CA
In mid-September I was riding home in the evening, around 9. Flying along with a good tailwind, and almost home after a 10 km ride to church earlier in the evening, and almost 10 km home. Veered into a curb, and went down hard. Donated a lot of skin off my right knee, but it was my left thumb that really hurt. It had stayed hooked under the handlebar when the rest of me went down. (I'd been running the sound system at worship practice, confirmation that no good deed goes unpunished.)

My wife insisted I get it looked at, so I held out for a day and then went early Friday to a sports medicine clinic. Came out with a cast and a diagnosis, and a referral to our big central hospital. I had incurred a classic "gamekeeper's thumb" injury - the hyperextension of my thumb had pulled off a chunk of bone that the ligament was attached to. More evaluation on the Monday, and then surgery Tuesday. Two young surgical residents, young women who looked to be about high-school age, cut my hand open, drilled, and inserted a non-metallic anchor to reattach the bone chip to the thumb. Another cast - and then a big splint - and then a little splint. And now a flexibility-enhancing device I call "The Rack". And lots of occupational therapy since.

Anyway, I finally had a green light to get back on the bike, after two months of not riding! We rode our fat bikes over on the new trail to a Tim Horton's, and sipped on hot chocolate with whipping cream while being buffeted by strong winds. After a few sub-zero days, the strong southerly wind brought temperatures of +2C. Still pretty cold in that wind, but we've ridden in much worse.

Anyway, it's great to be back on the bike. I had done the gym faithfully, and walked almost daily, but something was missing.

The thumb is supposed to get pretty much as good as it's going to in the next week or so, peaking at about 80% of its previous strength. So it goes - it could have been much worse.
happy to hear you are back in the saddle. Tough being forced to stay away from the things you love (especially the ones that keep you healthy) due to injury! Best wishes in your full recovery.
happy to hear you are back in the saddle. Tough being forced to stay away from the things you love (especially the ones that keep you healthy) due to injury! Best wishes in your full recovery.
Thanks so much! Just a small bump in the road of life.
Glad to hear you are back on the bike. As posted above, it stinks having to stay away from exercising due to an injury. But in due time you will be back to where you were. Stay safe!
I worked with a guy that was a former VP at a large company. He was joking around and he said these fitness and exercise people are always getting injured and missing work. I'd rather hire couch potatoes. They come to work everyday and they are very dependable. One day they have a coronary and then we replace them.
Chuck! I just realized in another post you gave blood and had another bike crash! I'm noticing a pattern here.
LOL! Just did a scheduled donation a few days ago. The September bike crash left me with a fine crop of "bacon" on the knee for a couple of weeks, but it's healed up well. I hardly even notice the thumb any more, but am still getting OT for it.

As they say, it's better to wear out than to rust out. 🤪
It does stink being off the bike! I went from 65-80 miles a week to nada for almost 3 weeks. Had a subtaral dislocation the 2nd time I tried mountain biking.. almost 15k riding on the street and no major injuries go figure lol. Funny I can ride better than walk at the 5 week mark. I was lucky on my incident could of been a lot worse.. the concussion was awful for a few days. They were all surprised it wasn't worse. I've come to think the biking makes one a bit tougher.
It does stink being off the bike! I went from 65-80 miles a week to nada for almost 3 weeks. Had a subtaral dislocation the 2nd time I tried mountain biking.. almost 15k riding on the street and no major injuries go figure lol. Funny I can ride better than walk at the 5 week mark. I was lucky on my incident could of been a lot worse.. the concussion was awful for a few days. They were all surprised it wasn't worse. I've come to think the biking makes one a bit tougher.
Yikes, that sounds awful! Glad you're on the mend. I've wrecked a couple of helmets, but no concussions so far.
Glad you are healing up. It's like the old saying --

There are only 2 types of mountain bikers, those that have crashed and those that are going to crash.

And the one I always told my kids when rinding -- Remember , trees have the right of way :)