Attack of the summer sore throat.....

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Oct 28, 2002
Everson WA - Pacific NW USA
Went to the Dr. this afternoon.

I had a huge fever Monday night. Woke up with a throat feeling like I gargled with HF acid Tues AM. Flaked out all day on Tues. Wed, worked my rump off. Felt tired, but throat felt a bit better. This AM same burning throat only 1MegX worse. Now tired as a dog.

Dr. swabbed and did the 10 minute strep. test. Negative. Said it could be other bacteria or more likely viral. "It'll pass in 8-10 days"

My throat still hurts. It's not allergies, a cold....I guess some virus crawled in my gullet and set up shop. Never had a sore throat in the summer and actually rarely get nasty throat at all. Sucks.
Originally Posted By: hate2work

Get some grape seed extract, works great for this type of thing.

That's sounds interesting. What's the theory?
Sore throats are the worst. Try lemon water.

Treating sore throat: Lemon water has an anti bacterial activity and is considered as an effective remedy for sore throat. Drink a few glasses of lemon water during the day and you will surely feel better. Not only sore throat it also helps in treating tonsillitis or asthma.
That sucks, I had the same thing awhile back. Same deal, too - "must be viral" and I guess it must have been because it lasted two weeks before it even started to get better. No fever though. I found that ibuprofen worked best. I drank a lot of coffee and tea, which were about the only things that would soothe it. Both lemon water and grape seed extract (and, before anybody says it, Apple cider vinegar) are fine for bacteria, but do nothing at all for viruses.
I had something like that once... A nickel-sized sore in my mouth/throat that took something like 5 or 6 weeks to heal. It was insane. Two different doctors told me it was viral. Not a fun time...

Not much you can do but suffer through it and use topical and systemic pain relievers. They have a prescription sore throat pain reliever you can use. It has a weird name, can't remember what it is. I tried it but it wasn't worth it. Worked well but for only a ridiculously short time.

Originally Posted By: 123Saab
gurgle salt water and vodka.

No; gurgle salt water, then swallow vodka.
I'm not sure if it's sold in the US or not, but up here we have something called Cold-FX and the moment I begin to feel anything resembling a sore throat, I start taking a bunch of Cold-FX pills (2 in the morning and then one every 3-4 hours for the rest of the day) and it always goes away on me. That stuff is just magic!
Hey, what you can do is go back to the Doc and see if they won't hook you up with some Codeine syrup. Mix 2oz of that in a 16oz styrofoam cup of Sprite and you've got Lean AKA Purple Drank.

Never hurts to try. Makes everything feel better, too.

Originally Posted By: glum
A nickel-sized sore in my mouth/throat that took something like 5 or 6 weeks to heal.

Yeah, I had that too - right on the top of my soft palate. SUCKED.
Drink a lot of Vodka, there will be so much alcohol in your blood it will cleanse your system...
Originally Posted By: Warstud
Sitting in front of a fan all day when it's stink'n hot out.. will do it for sure.

Will do what? Magically make you sick?
go to a different doc. I had the exact same thing earlier this spring and it turns out it was a double ear infection. Had a cough to go with it so my "new" doc gave me a steroid shot, an inhaler, Cipro antibiotic, and Codeine syrup. Used the codeine twice as it didn't do much but the Cipro kicked some @$$ within a day. The first doc I went to did the strep test (which is famous for false negatives) and said I was clear and shipped me away happily taking my $20 office visit co-pay...
Originally Posted By: glum
Originally Posted By: Warstud
Sitting in front of a fan all day when it's stink'n hot out.. will do it for sure.

Will do what? Magically make you sick?

Yep, that would make me sick for sure. So will having the AC blasting on me in the car for too long, so I don't do that anymore.

Reminds me that I used to get a lot of this head cold/virus [censored] before I started drying my hair and ears with a hair dryer every time I got my hair wet( even in the hot days of summer). Doing that one thing has kept me out of the doctor's office more than anything else I've done. Oh, and I stopped "deep cleaning" my ears with a Q-tip, even tho it feels good to do it, it's not worth it.

I don't know how or why GSE works for a sore throat, all I know is that it does. We have a small bottle of the liquid drops, it tastes bitter but who cares since it works.
Ultra Zinc (From GNC)

Vitamin A, C, Zinc,Echinacea.

Now I am not a vitamin freak, but these seem to work.

In the last year I have seen more summer/spring ailments than ever. Not sure what is going on.
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