Are you on track to retire comfortably?

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Originally Posted By: Mr Nice

People understand they will get more if the wait a few more years.....
but they want to enjoy their SS while they are still active and in good health.

An extra few hundred dollars a month won't matter if they need a medical walker / stroller with wheels.

That's my decision. Do I fully retire at 62, or do I work part time and take my SS at a later age to get a higher benefit? I have the job lined up if I want it, and it's an easy and stress free job that pays $18 and hour. If I take my SS at 62, I would get about 1200 a month, it's maybe a bit higher than that now, but that's a good figure to use. If I wait 4 years and 8 months to collect my benefit it would be roughly $2000 a month. I have to decide what will happen to my health during that 4 years and 8 months. Will I live that long? Will I still be in good enough shape by then to actually enjoy the higher income? I want to travel before I die. Obviously doing that at a younger age would be better, but I'd be able to enjoy my traveling more if I had extra income.

I think what I will do is take the part time job and see how that income, coupled with my pensions works out for me, as that would give me about the same income I would have if I take SS at 62. If I'm not comfortable with that income, then I might decide to wait longer to take my SS...
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