Are things really that BAD for Quaker State?

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Mar 14, 2003
Glenolden Pa.
I couldn't belive it, certan Quaker state Oil now contains (Slick 50)
Yep it stated this right on the front label.
Slick marketing, but they may lose sales of the separately bottled Sick 50 if their devoted users switch to the premix.
I noticed this too. It kind of reminds me of how they had to bring that "Arthur" kid onto the Brady Bunch the last season or two before the show finally went belly-up!

I remember back in the day 1960's and living in Pa and all, my Pop was all about Quaker State. But know I don't know anyone who touches the stuff.

Now (if) it had Dura-Lube in it...I'd use
I don't use the QS stuff in the picture that I posted above, but I do use regular QS & QS semi-syn. all the time. It works very well in my wife's Expedition. That engine is as clean as a whistle, as far as I can tell looking through the oil fill hole.

p.s. I purchased the oil in the above picture just to take a picture of it. I then returned it to WalMart for a refund.
Yeah, but it took some balls for QS to give that free 250K (or something like that)engine warranty if you use their product and kept receipts. No other company did that.
Schmoe - not really, how many people will keep a car for 250k AND keep all the receipts, etc. Even if they had to pay up I don't think it would amount to much. Possibly some bad publicity. I stopped using QS when my 1975 Honda CVCC engine showed very large amounts of varnish in the head. The engine slanted forward and had areas where oil would lay in, and it got extremely brown. Castrol and Pennzoil didn't do that......... then when they bought Slick 50 it was the final nail in the coffin so to speak for me. Lost all respect for them. The rate they are going they will all end up as one company.. Exxon/Mobil/Shell/Pennzoil/QS/whatever..
One of the cleanest engines i have ever seen was ran on 10/30 and 10/40 QS its whole life. Pulled off the oil pan to replace the gasket and the pan was exceptionally clean inside. Pretty good for an engine with well over 100k.
I think QS has become a step child to its former compeditor penzoil. I cant say anything bad about either oil. Had good results with QS and Penz.
"They might as well advertize that they recommend Fram filters while they are at it. "

Ha ha. Maybe that is why they added the Slick 50 to the oil, so the six packs they were selling of 5 qts QS and 1 qt Sick 50 can now be sold as 5 qts QS/Sick50 and one Fram filter (universal fit). The ultimate oil change package! Watch for it in a store near you.
Maybe they'll even throw in a 40 ounce bottle of malt liquor to keep up the low quality image this package deal has. All shrink wrapped together: QS w/ Slick 50 in it, Universal Fit Fram filter, and 40 oz of St. Ides malt liquor.
Schmoe, are you sure about that? I think it was last spring that I kept hearing commercials on the radio for Slick 50, and they specifically said it had "PolyTetraFluoroEthylene, the lowest coeficiant of friction of any solid".
quote by Schmoe:
"Also, QS is owned by Pennzoil...I think..."

SOPUS (Shell Oil Products U.S.) is the parent company of Shell, QS, & Penzoil.
Yup, they've been bought out by Shell a few years back. I don't know why Shell doesn't just kill off all the QS line of oils and reduce the competition with their own line of oils. Is the QS brand really that strong in North America that it's worth keeping around? I suppose it is. In Europe on the other hand, they stopped selling QS oils after the buyout.


p.s. I purchased the oil in the above picture just to take a picture of it. I then returned it to WalMart for a refund.

Wouldn't it have been easier just to take a picture of the oil on the Walmart shelf?
"Wouldn't it have been easier just to take a picture of the oil on the Walmart shelf?"

If I'd had my camera with me at that moment, I would have. But since I don't make it a habit of carrying my digital camera into stores with me..........
I haven't used Quaker since about 1985, but I'm going to get the opportunity. I just picked up 50 quarts of the Full Synthetic at Big Lots for 2.29 ea. Now I know some of you scored the synth a while back at a K-Mart closeout, but the oil I picked up is still 4.69 at the local WM, so my deal is good for me. The specs look fine on the Quaker website, especially the flash point..
There's nothing in the world wrong with QS oils (with maybe the one exception shown above); They're just the red-headed stepchild of oils. That doesn't mean that they can't be loved.
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