Are these vintage two stroke oils even usable anymore?

Sep 10, 2005
Erie, PA
Found these containers down at my camp they have probably been here since at least the early 90s was curious if they are any good?


I'd use them in an older engine that I could afford to lose, prob mix it a little stronger than 50:1. Back in the day, 32:1 was more common. Probably wouldn't hurt anything to use them up.

Might be more valuable to a collector, though.
The back of the Lawn Boy one says "OMC Group" on the back. That's the company that made Evinrude and Johnson boat motors. I had no idea that they owned Lawn Boy, so I looked it up.

Apparently OMC sold Lawn Boy to Toro in 1989, so that means this oil has to be from the 80's or earlier.

If you have an old 2 stroke and want to use it, it'd probably work just fine. Otherwise, if you have no use and/or you're scared of it, drain and recycle the oil and then keep the cans.
Shake em up and use them without worry. They are probably all bright stock based two stroke oils. Bright stock lubricates a two stroke quite well, but tends to smoke more than modern synthetic formulations and can clog exhaust ports if used for extended periods of time, under modest loads, generally many years of constant use.

As always, 32 to 1 is the right mixture for most two stroke engines.
The Stihl and Lawnboy cans are definitely from the 80s. I found some cans of Stihl oil with that same logo in the basement of an old house a few years ago. I used it at 32:1 and it did fine. Shook the heck out of the cans, I was surprised there were no solids at all.