Anyone heard of HydroSilex?

Sep 2, 2015
Its called HydroSilex recharge...ceramic coating. Looks like you apply when surface is wet and wash off...claim lasts 6-8 months. Anyone have experience with...sure would be great for huge applications like a motorhome. Take care all.
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I was using it in my new car before the recent accident. Easy to use but don’t believe the durability claims myself. Maybe 3 months. Doesn’t compare to a true ceramic coating.
Haven’t used it, but conceptually it is similar to Hydro2 and Gyeon Wet Coat.

These products have their place, but are pricey for the short-lived protection you get.
True ceramics take heat or a bonding agent, you can't just wash and expect it to stick.
The thing that has many professional detailers hung up is they won't release what's it is made of. My understanding is many think this is a repackaged product with a higher price. Lots of discussion on Facebook about it.
Never heard of this brand before. Based out of Lancaster, Pa so it popped up.

They make an Off-Road spray :rolleyes: (basically like a 5w30 Pickup Truck Oil)

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