Anyone had Lasik done?

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Jun 22, 2004
Central Iowa
I'm scheduled for my exam tomorrow and if all goes well I'll probably have it done about the end of the month. I've worn glasses/contacts since 3rd grade and quite frankly can't wait to get rid of them.

I'll probably go with monovision since I've been happy with the monovision contacts-assuming I'm a good candidate. I've checked out the doctor-well trained and has been doing eyes since 1998.

Anyone had it done? How did you like it? What variation did you have done? Custom, Lasik, Lasek, etc. How was your vision once it healed and settled down? Did you have to have a follow up procedure to tweak it?
A LOT of people around here have had it. My daughter-in-law had it done a few years ago and had no problem. She lives a few miles from here in Windsor, Ontario and Dr. Tayfour did hers. He was one of the first in N. America to do Lasik. She doesn't need glasses and sees like a cat. I'm sure she would answer any questions you may have, PM me if you would like her email address.
I would say that if you are spending the money to get it, get the best you can. Meaning go for the Custom Vue and the Intralase flap cutting vs. the blade.
DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had it done on both eyes in 1997, by 1999 they had both regressed so the went back in to do a "REFINEMENT" which caused my cornea on the right eye to detach. Now the right eye is 24/7 like looking thru a heavy peasoup fog. Because of the damage cant wear a contact lens, glasses dont help much. I have just learned to live with it and be one-eyed.

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear of your poor experience with LASIK.

Fortunately, the chances of that happening are very slim, probably one out of hundreds of thousands of surgeries, if not millions of surgeries.
Didn't have Lasik but, did have RK (Radial Keratotomy) surgery done over 15 years ago and still have near perfect vision. Have 16 radial incisions on each eye. Have had no problems with it since having it done. I was 20/700 each eye before I got the surgery done. Well worth the money.
I had Lasik done in January 1999. My right eye is still 20-15 and my left eye is 20-25. I was around 20-400 before the surgery. I approached from the angle that I wanted to wear thinner glasses and luckily ended up not needing any. Whatever you do, do not go for the bargain basement deal. I asked my regular eye doctor who he would personally go to for a referral. This is one area where you want the best care.
It's probably a good idea to have done one eye at a time. Better keep an untouched spare until you know the first eye didn't get infected, fall out, blow up, go blind -- just in case, of course.
Did it in June 2002, BEST money I've EVER spent!!!

I'm a firefighter and would lose a contact on a regular basis with the mask drying my eyes out. Wouldn't change it for anything.
How good/bad was your vision before Lasik? I am about 20-50 in one eye and 20-60 in the other. Can vision this close to normal be corrected?
Wife had it done about 6 yrs ago w/o any problems, but she paid some serious $$$ (around 4,500) and had the best known eye doc in Richmond do the surgery. I personally would not do it. Call me paranoid but I would take WTJackalope's advice. There can be complications like night driving among other things. BTW there were several quacks operating in the DC area a few years back where people were having problems. Be sure the doc you're seeing is the best money can buy. Your eyesight isn't worth cheaping out on.
I had the surgery done Friday, March 31. My vision was in the 20/400 range that morning before the surgery. I could hardly make out anything on the Snellen chart.

Today (April 1) I had my first follow up. Less than 24 hours and I am at 20/20. It will continue to improve as my eyes heal over the next few weeks.

I do have a bit of normal glare. Things that are white tend to look slightly out of focus. That's normal though and seems to improve hourly. Even if it gets no better than it is I'm very pleased. But it's clearly getting better.
Alot of my buddies have done it while in the Military. When you're in the military. its free. They all are rejoicing because they don't have to waste money on contacts and glasses.
I'm glad it went well and hope the glare will go away. Are there any specifics that you can share, like what method was used and where you had the surgery done?

Originally posted by moribundman:
I'm glad it went well and hope the glare will go away. Are there any specifics that you can share, like what method was used and where you had the surgery done?

I had it done at a place called Lasik Select. Because of the poor quality of my current eyesight and because night vision was an issue, I chose Custom Lasik with Intralase (mainly for the night vision issue). Intralase uses a laser to cut the corneal flap and is much more precise than the mechanical method. Custom Lasik maps the imperfections in the individual eye in much more detail than standard Lasik.

The procedure itself was...interesting. The weird part about it is that you can see much of what's going on until they fold the corneal flap back. The laser itself looks like lightning bolts (both the Intraslase machine and the laser are right on top of your eye).

I guess the worse part is the smell. You actually smell your own eyeballs burning (sorry for that image). It's an odor that I really can't describe, but I'll always remember it!).

With the package that I selected I get 2 years worth of enhancements should I need them. At this point I don't see it being a problem.

Lasik Select was far less expensive than other lasik providers in the area. Des Moines does not have a lot of competition so prices range from $4600 to $6000 for the Custom/Intralase. Lasik Select was $3700. Considering what glasses/contacts cost me I should be able to recoup that amount in 3-4 years.

I had the Custom Lasik done, by TLC

TLC is the parent company of Lasik Select. They really do a great job.


i wonder about the glare problems people have. while i think lasik could cause increased glare, i suspect most people after the surgery are getting "different" glare.

It's a slight "halo" effect. Mine seems to only be around certain color lights and white backgrounds. White speed limit signs have a slight halo around them.

In all honesty, if it never gets any better than this I'll be happy. It really doesn't bother me all that much. Although I have noticed an improvement during the first 48 hours. I expect it to be minimal or gone in 2-3 months.

As for the is Nitrogen used to cool the laser beam...not your eyes burning. [/QB]'s a lot more fun to tell people that it's your eyeballs burning.

In all honesty I didn't know that. I'll have to remember to tell people that.
Well, considering that the laser vaporizes small amounts of cornea, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a smell of burnt tissue. Most people also have their noses not very far from their eyes!

"Doc, is that smell my eyes burning?"
"Naw, it's just the liquid nitrogen." *winks at sexy assitant*
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