Anyone Download Windows 10 Yet? Thoughts ... ?

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I am done. At least for now. I was able to go back to 8.1 and I bought a new 16gb thumb drive, downloaded the tool and when I ran it I got the whimsical "something happened" error. 10 was neat, seemed to run a little faster and the start menu was nice to have but I never had any trouble with 8.1 and all this aggravation to get the newest coolest version is not worth my time. I feel lucky just to have restored 8.1 again and will just leave well enough alone. Maybe I will try 10 again if and when MS makes it easier to install. I checked my 8.1 license and its status is "activated". That is good enough for me, for the time being.
Too bad I can't jump from vista to 10....

Not sure how well that would work on a 7 year old labtop.....

Amazed Vista hasn't imploded yet.....
Originally Posted By: daves87rs
Too bad I can't jump from vista to 10....

Not sure how well that would work on a 7 year old labtop.....

Amazed Vista hasn't imploded yet.....

It took MS 2 service packs to optimize Vista. I was doing an OS reinstall on a 10 year old HP computer that originally had XP (with the Vista Capable sticker lol.) Stock AMD Athlon X2 4200+ with a new WD Blue 320GB HDD, some extra RAM thrown in, and a nvidia GT210 GFX card and the OS performance was on par with Win7.
Originally Posted By: daves87rs
Too bad I can't jump from vista to 10....

Not sure how well that would work on a 7 year old labtop.....

Amazed Vista hasn't imploded yet.....

Windows 10 runs well on my laptop that originally came with Windows XP. That computer had Vista on it for a short while, and I upgraded it to 7 as soon as I could. 10 runs at least as good as 7 did, and far better than Vista.
Last week a buddy at work sent me this link with more detailed info and a step by step tutorial on the 10 download:

I did the download again last night. The whole process took maybe an hour and went very easily. When it was done the first thing I did was check the settings and found my new version of Windows 10 is activated. I did not have to do anything extra or jump through any hoops, it activated all by itself on the first go-around. Maybe MS has fixed that problem now. I turned off all the unwanted apps, turned off Cortana and turned off the WUDO and Wi-Fi Sense. 10 is running smooth with Firefox and I have yet to try the Edge browser, but 10 is OK so far.
Just rolled back to 8.1 from 10.

It was faster, but I didn't like the Desktop nor the new metro(?) interface.

I think longer term I may transition to Apple.
I am trying it right now on my laptop as I don't use it much. Figure it is a good test mule. If it crashes or fails up it is not a big loss. I can reinstall Win7.

No way it is going on my desktop that I use all the time until I am sure it is working properly and I like it though. I would never install a brand new OS from MS on an important computer without waiting to see how it goes for others. Learned that lesson a long time ago. The laptop is just for occasional use away from home so I don't mind trying it.

I downloaded the tool from MS to do it vs going through windows update and it is currently installing as I type this. The install process for me has been very S-L-O-W however. I am a couple hours into it now and am only at 76% complete( edit - it just jumped from 76% to 83% wahoo!!!

I have never been happy with the speed of this laptop though so I am not surprised it is going so slow. I will be curious to see if Win10 speeds it up compared to Win7 as some have claimed?

Depending on my initial impression I will do a clean install( have to do the upgrade 1st )after if I like it.
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I upgraded from Windows 7 pro to Windows 10 pro and I had a lot of issues with my xfi sound card so I tried to revert back to Windows 7 with the built in option and it botched everything and wouldn't boot so I bought myself a new ssd and re installed windows 7
Originally Posted By: Benito
Just rolled back to 8.1 from 10.

It was faster, but I didn't like the Desktop nor the new metro(?) interface.

I think longer term I may transition to Apple.

Just wondering, how easy was this to do? I have a family member that did the update to windows 10 and wants to go back to 8.1

Is this a simple process? Will all of the installed programs and all user files be saved when you downgrade, your do you have to back them up and reinstall all of the programs? How does the product key work, can it still be used for 8.1 now that it was upgraded to 10? Thanks!
When I went back to 8.1 there was a button on the upgrade page or it may have been on the MS update page but it said "go back to windows 8.1". When I clicked it it asked me if I really wanted to not have faster processing speed and better security. But it took me right back to where I was on 8.1 and did not require a key code, and I did not lose any programs, files or data at all. Everything was right where I left it when I tried 10 the first time. I have a store bought Toshiba laptop and the key is embedded in the mobo somewhere. A custom built or modified computer may need a key code though. There are free programs online to use to display your key code and other info too.
I "upgraded" to Windows 10 and my computer barely worked. Couldn't run my Adobe CS5 suite, couldn't play videos (and I'm an editor so that's kind of important), Steam didn't work, my Wordperfect Office Suite didn't work, my antivirus/malware programs wouldn't work, and my computer would crash about every 15 minutes.

I couldn't use system restore because of some unspecified "error", so I had to wipe my drive and do a fresh re-install of Windows 7.

Utter disaster.

Edit: Oh, yeah, and it wouldn't even freaking shut down on its own. It would turn off the monitor but the fans, lights, and everything else in the case kept right on working unless I powered it off manually with the button.

I'll be hanging on to 7 until I have literally no other choice.
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Originally Posted By: ClutchDisc
Originally Posted By: Benito
Just rolled back to 8.1 from 10.

It was faster, but I didn't like the Desktop nor the new metro(?) interface.

I think longer term I may transition to Apple.

Just wondering, how easy was this to do? I have a family member that did the update to windows 10 and wants to go back to 8.1

Is this a simple process? Will all of the installed programs and all user files be saved when you downgrade, your do you have to back them up and reinstall all of the programs? How does the product key work, can it still be used for 8.1 now that it was upgraded to 10? Thanks!

Very easy. It took 5 minutes. Windows 10 keeps the Windows 8.1 files for a month to allow you to go back to exactly where you were. The only thing that seemed to be missing was my wifi password and for some reason my desktop picture was not there.

Look here for a simple explanation of how to do it:
Upgraded 3 machines from 8.1 to 10 with no issues.

Windows 10 is great for a laptop, it sleeps and wakes from sleep very fast.

Startup and shut down is very fast.

Much improved OS, runs very well on less resources.

I like it.
Originally Posted By: ClutchDisc
Originally Posted By: Benito
Just rolled back to 8.1 from 10.

It was faster, but I didn't like the Desktop nor the new metro(?) interface.

I think longer term I may transition to Apple.

Just wondering, how easy was this to do? I have a family member that did the update to windows 10 and wants to go back to 8.1

Is this a simple process? Will all of the installed programs and all user files be saved when you downgrade, your do you have to back them up and reinstall all of the programs? How does the product key work, can it still be used for 8.1 now that it was upgraded to 10? Thanks!

Click the START button
Click the SETTINGS icon

That should show an option to revert back to the previous OS.
Well, Windows 10 finally finished about 30 minutes after I posted above yesterday. I have mixed feelings on how it all works. I prefer a more classic Windows experience such as XP/Vista/Win7. I am not a fan at all of the Metro [censored] that showed up with Windows 8( on a desktop or laptop anyway ). I made Windows 8 perform properly with 3rd party software, and once that was done I actually liked Windows 8, but I never understood what MS was thinking when they came out with it.

Windows 10 has a somewhat classic Windows feel but as is usual with MS they have changed many things so it is a pain to do simple tasks like opening the Control Panel( no, it is not in the start menu by default - you have to hunt it down and add it yourself which is insane ). I don't know why they insist on making changes that make using their OS so difficult? They also have kept the Metro apps approach/style and use them in the start menu and other areas even though you get a traditional desktop. MS needs to ditch these Metro apps on anything but a touch enabled device. Just a bad idea they will not let go of.

I looked at the new browser( Microsoft Edge or something like that )and it doesn't do much for me. Similar to IE( maybe more like GC which I hate )but different enough I don't care for it. Looks like you can keep/use IE11 though which I would probably do. I would probably get used to Edge in time if I used it but not sure I want to bother going through the learning curve? MS will probably drop IE though to force people to use Edge like they do with stuff all the time. Lord knows they know what we want better then we do right.

Once it finished installing it ran a bit slow at 1st. After a couple restarts though it sped up some and was marginally faster than Windows 7 was on the laptop. This morning I actually booted up the laptop and desktop at the same time and while the desktop was faster( should be as it is newer and about 10X's more powerful )the laptop wasn't too far behind. Definitely faster booting( and shutting down too )then Windows 7 was on it. The laptop booted/shutdown like molasses in February with Windows 7 so this increase in speed is appreciated.

I had a lot of problems getting rid of some traces of old programs as is the norm on an upgrade vs. clean install. Took a while last night to get it where I was happy with things. No driver issues or old software problems. Everything worked. Also, unlike what I have seen others report my copy activated upon completion of install.

So overall it went ok with the to be expected dislikes of MS making stupid changes. Right now I am doing a clean install to remove all traces of old files and to start with a fresh copy of Windows 10. Hopefully there will be no driver issues and everything will work still? Hopefully with this clean install it will run better/faster than ever.

Will update after the clean install finishes.
Almost an hour later still sitting at 66%...

They( warning in the software before proceeding )weren't kidding when they said it would take hours to do a complete wipe of the HD and install of a clean Win10.
Originally Posted By: JustinH
Upgraded 3 machines from 8.1 to 10 with no issues. Windows 10 is great for a laptop, it sleeps and wakes from sleep very fast. Startup and shut down is very fast. Much improved OS, runs very well on less resources. I like it.
I echo these sentiments. I have had zero issues with Windows 8.x, but I like Windows 10 even better.
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI

Click the START button
Click the SETTINGS icon

That should show an option to revert back to the previous OS.

That didn't work for me. Always got a message like "An error has prevented your computer from recovering."
Originally Posted By: MinamiKotaro
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI

Click the START button
Click the SETTINGS icon

That should show an option to revert back to the previous OS.

That didn't work for me. Always got a message like "An error has prevented your computer from recovering."

Others have experienced that BUT it is the way to attempt to do it 1st. If it doesn't work you need to go online and try some of the work arounds others have tried. It usually works from what I have read about it.
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