Anyone Download Windows 10 Yet? Thoughts ... ?

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Originally Posted By: Uber_Archetype
Install media is alive and well here in the 21st century.

I think he was referring to actually going out and buying (or ordering) the media. At least I was. There's nothing wrong with using a DVD or CD for a fresh install, but I tend to download my operating systems and install them onto a disc, rather than going to "buy the install DVD" as Merk stated.
Originally Posted By: AandPDan
Won't install it again.

Linux Mint is a much better option.

I run Mint on an old XP laptop, good OS but so far 10 blows it away. Mint feels like it is stuck in 2001.
I have been a die hard hater of windows 8. windows 10 has me converted wholesale. the upgrade was flawless and fast (thanks to ssd) and everything works, even my vpn settings. bravo microsoft.
Originally Posted By: dishdude
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: redbone3
You can download an app that will download win 10 and burn it to a dvd, do a clean install, or do an is the link:

Validation is difficult unless you do the upgrade first, then do a clean install.

I upgraded, then did a clean install. It asked for my license key, and wouldn't accept it. I clicked skip for now and it let me keep going. After installation was complete it never asked again and says it is activated.

I wasn't as fortunate with the kid's laptop. I think because I deleted a file called windows.old first [or something like that I might have caused a problem]. I'm going to try it again in a few days. I read that not all the fresh installs are validated right away and to try forcing it at a command prompt with this line [slmgr.vbs /ato] or to just wait a few days. I'll give it until Tuesday and redo it if needed. I even plugged in code keys which didn't work. The upgrade was valid though.
Originally Posted By: dishdude
I run Mint on an old XP laptop, good OS but so far 10 blows it away. Mint feels like it is stuck in 2001.

If only Win10 was just an OS. I don't need the apps that you can't remove, like XBox live or Groove Music.
Originally Posted By: dishdude
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: redbone3
You can download an app that will download win 10 and burn it to a dvd, do a clean install, or do an is the link:

Validation is difficult unless you do the upgrade first, then do a clean install.

I upgraded, then did a clean install. It asked for my license key, and wouldn't accept it. I clicked skip for now and it let me keep going. After installation was complete it never asked again and says it is activated.

I did the exact same thing and it came back as not activated. After a few reboots and a few hours later using this command again: slmgr.vbs /ato it is now activated and working well.
I had a lot of problems syncing up my email to Win 10's email. Finally it downloaded what was there. Win 10 email help had LOTS of other people complaining about the same thing.
Originally Posted By: Turk
I had a lot of problems syncing up my email to Win 10's email. Finally it downloaded what was there. Win 10 email help had LOTS of other people complaining about the same thing.

I installed Thunderbird mail in the neighbors machine, I always had good luck with it.

What free AV Software are you guys using with it?
It's got Windows Defender built in and I use the Chrome browser. I am currently not using any third party AV and not convinced I need to.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: Turk
I had a lot of problems syncing up my email to Win 10's email. Finally it downloaded what was there. Win 10 email help had LOTS of other people complaining about the same thing.

I installed Thunderbird mail in the neighbors machine, I always had good luck with it.

What free AV Software are you guys using with it?

When I did the upgrade it picked up the old Email program (Windows live mail). I don't see any reason to change that.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: Turk
I had a lot of problems syncing up my email to Win 10's email. Finally it downloaded what was there. Win 10 email help had LOTS of other people complaining about the same thing.

I installed Thunderbird mail in the neighbors machine, I always had good luck with it.

What free AV Software are you guys using with it?

My new PC comes with McAfee LiveSafe for 1 year.
I went from 7 to 10 on the 29th. Everything went real smooth. Didn't have any problems at all. I am running Chrome and all my other programs work perfect. I am very happy with 10 so far.
If only Win10 was just an OS. I don't need the apps that you can't remove, like XBox live or Groove Music.

That's three of many reasons why they offered it to you for free.
The only issue I have with windows 10 so far is that it now wakes up about every 30 minutes for 2 minutes. This makes no sense to me as when it is awake, all my sleep timers are for way longer than 2 minutes.

It is almost as if it is waking up to do some small tasks and doesn't fully wake up. I don't think it even turns the screen on, just starts up fans, CPU, etc. So weird.
I spent a bit of time trying out a couple of the Technical Previews and pretty much liked what I saw. Like some others, I'm going to let it mature a bit before making the switch.

I was reading some blogs about the 10240 preview and while it was really taking shape, it still had a number of issues. This article from last week describes Microsoft's approach with WinX. Note that toward the end of the article they allude to it not being "done", and will need fixes (maybe not just normal ongoing updates).
I did the free Win10 installation yesterday, I like it much better than 8.1. I like the start menu and it is a lot easier to find what I am looking for. The only issue I have had is it keeps telling me the license is not valid. I am thinking MS sent the download to a lot of people at one time so it will take MS a while to get everyone validated. I will keep checking it. Other than that it works great for me.
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