All-season tires for a Corolla, good NVH?

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We use COOPER Trendsetter SE tires for our 2000 PRIZM (Corolla). Never got a defective tire yet for the past 12 years . Very good wet , dry handling and fairly quiet as well (depends on road surface). Take a heck of a beating too (potholes,etc.). They seem to have low rolling resistance as well ( better m.p.g.s ). Just averaged 39.5 m.p.g. driving in the low '70's to upper 50's of hilly terrain , wind , and city driving (35% city ,65%highway ). SE's are usually less than $57 a tire . Not including mount and balance .
I got a good price on the X-Radials so I'm gonna go with those. Thanks for all who have replied.

My cousin has a VW Golf, I don't know what tires, but it's much better on the highway, smoother and more stable. It's seems like you're going slow at 75 mph. Even a wagon my buddy has does better in that respect. I know a lot of that must be the car, but if I can get any of those qualities from a premium tire then that's what I'm aiming for. (Though I hope I'm not off in going for a premium tires that's still S-rated. I've decided already though.)
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