A bunch of whiners

My favorite are the people that whine incessantly about some car that they owned years ago. We had a guy on here constantly complaining about his 1965 Dart. Half a century later and he's still b&m about it!
And have condemned the brand since ‘65 as well because you know...nothing changes in 56 years.

Well maybe not with Dodge...
oil change and washing it.
Heck some people don't even do that!!:D Funniest thing I see every once in a while is some dude driving a car that looks like the inside is a public dumpster, the exterior hasn't been washed in 20+ years, but the dude inside is wearing a perfectly tailored three piece suit, perfectly groomed hair, etc. :ROFLMAO:
Imagine checking your oil every time you got gas, or every time before you go to work. I think my mother checked her oil both times. That was the number one rule from Dad... and there was always a few bottles of oil in the trunk.
I do this even today, and my car doesn't really burn oil. I'll be ****ed if I ruin my well cared for engine just because it decides it's time to start using oil.

They just forgot what they were whining about back then, and today's generation whine about different things, and their kids' generation will whine about different things.

For me, I'm whining about labor cost, and I am done wasting time repairing things that are not worth repairing. I'll sell my still good but too expensive to repair by myself (I am busy with a family) or to pay others to repair, vehicles to the junkyard for a good emission reduction credit for the accounting fraud that our world has turned into. Someone can find crushing my still good car and the world replacing it with a much cleaner car a cheaper pollution reduction than tweaking the smoke stack.

Hey, it may also give your future SUV purchase some extra emission credit so you can still afford the SUV, otherwise they may be too expensive, too polluting to be made.

Don't like it? You can pay $1200 to buy my car with faded paint, dented exterior, worn engine mounts, crack windshield, leaking muffler, and 270k miles and 26 years.