I use a 1994 Chevrolet Corsica 2.2L 4cyl for a commuter car. It is great for running, good mpg 30+, etc. I acquired it at 107080 miles. It had Valvoline 5W-30 and valvoline oil filters up to 107000. I have used mostly Castrol High Mileage 5W-30 oil in it, with one change of Super Tech 5W-30, and one change of Mobil syn blend high mileage 10W-30 (yuck). They all leave this engine with the notorious GM piston slap. The best one for quieting is the Castrol HM. The head gasket was replaced around 90000. It uses 1/2qt to 2500, except on the Castrol HM. I am hoping to quiet the piston slap. I have thought about Super Tech synthetic 5W-30 or Valvoline Max Life 5W-30 or using something suggested from comments. I dislike Pennzoil and don't wish to spend a larger amount of money for an oil change. That is why Super Tech synthetic is appealing. It has piston slap at low rpm's and maybe a little lifter chatter at hot idle?? I am not certain. I did try the Rotella-T synthetic 5W-40, which didn't seem to help the noises, and gave for bad MPG. I suppose 10W-30 weight should be fine, if necessary, going into the summer months. Thanks for the comments! I appreciate the help!!