3PMSF tires - Requirement / Specification Document ? Standard?

May 28, 2019

Does anyone know where I can find the governing document that specifies the requirements or the standards that a 3PMSF tire needs to have to qualify for the rating?

Related there must be a certification checklist or report document that shows the data that was recorded for a given tire to get the rating / approval. Are these available to the public?

Whos is the governing body over this topic, is it the National Highway xyz? or similar?

"The 3PMSF symbol is standardised and controlled by EU authorities, guaranteeing that the product meets the conditions of rigorous testing and is suitable for operation in difficult weather conditions.
3PMSF marked tyres have been approved through regulation tests to guarantee a higher level of performance under winter conditions stated in the European ECE regulation 117.02."


Have phun, come back with your report.
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And to finish answering your questions:

Tire testing is all self-certified - that is, the tire manufacturers either conducted the test themselves or have it done for them. That means the data is unavailable to the public.

So how can we be sure there is compliance with the regulations? If asked by the regulators, the data must be presented for assessment. Even then, the only thing made public is whether or not the tire meets the regulation.

And just so you know, failing to meet the regulations can result in pretty severe penalties.

Which regulators? Every country has its own, but in the US, it's NHTSA (National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration.)