2012 Yaris - 10,600 miles - HPL PC5W30-Q with particle count

I thought my posts were a bit off-topic for the post so I had them removed. Wasn't necessary to get hyper focused on it. Thanks for sharing the UOA. (y)
Valvoline has been on a roll, with Restore and Protect.

The comments from the VP must be vetted.

This is BITOG.
While the filter did a decent job at keeping smaller particles down, a minor media breach from a manufacturing defect has confirmed the accuracy of WearCheck's particle count of detecting small levels of larger particles.
The shape of the particle count curve does suggest that there was a significant leak affecting the filter's efficiency for larger particles.

The PC at 4 and 6 micron looks excellent at ISO 19/18, but that's comparing it to PCs from Blackstone. Blackstone PCs are almost always 23/x/x to 24/x/x, which would put them in Wearcheck's "abnormal" or "severe" categories. Older Blackstone PCs usually ranged from 14/x/x to 17/x/x, but that's when they were completely extrapolating the results for small and large particles. I'm not convinced that they've stopped using extrapolation entirely.

It doesn't seem like Wearcheck is extrapolating results, but it would still be interesting to see another PC from the same lab with a non-defective Donaldson filter to see how the PC curve changes.
Yeah they probably looked at the iso code for the first 3 particle size range and called it normal without the looking at the entire range across. The larger particle size range quantity was also within normal cleanliness limit which is why they didnt mark it as severe or abnormal.

I will be doing another run with the Donaldson Synteq but that might be well into next year as im doing particle counts with other filters.
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