2012 Silverado Magnefine inline filter

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I have a Magnefine on each of my vehicles. On my Dodge Ram its in the supply line and according to Magnefine thats fine unless you had a transmission failure and there might be [censored] in the cooler.

I have just held it in my hand next to the lines moving it around until I found a place I liked.

Remember there are a few (3) different sizes.
Originally Posted By: Donald
Originally Posted By: Trav
Not to throw a wet blanket on the idea but i had a couple of these things leak before i gave up on the idea.

Take a look at this before deciding to go ahead.


The person who wrote that forum post still seems to be using Magnefine filters which says to me it was a quality issue probably not widespread.

No idea but i had 2 leaker's and that was enough for me.
GM uses a real filter in the pan anyway not just a rock catcher so its just another point for leakage as far as i'm concerned.

It doesn't hurt to make an informed decision.
I have a 2001 with a factory auxiliary cooler. The return line from the cooler has a rubber section just long enough for the Magnefine. It's a little bit of a pain to change because of the tight fit, but I have changed two or three filters now without problems. On my truck, there's a plastic shield that needs to come off to access that line from below, between the radiator support and crossmember.

The input line to the radiator also has a rubber section. Putting the filter there might make for an easier but possibly messier change.
It has been brought to our attention that there is some issues with the MagneFine In line Filter. In reply to any issue that you find I would like to advise that we warranty the product for its operation and performance.

I would also like to advise that there is a Knock Off in line filter that looks exactly like the MagneFine. This copy is Made in China and is sold on line and in some the same traditional distribution outlets, like the ones mentioned in the Forums.
Over the last 9 months we have been inundated with reports from customers that the MagneFine filter is failing or leaking between the cap and the body seam. In 99% of cases it has been the knock off filter that the customer has and not a MagneFine filter.

To identify the genuine MagneFine filter from the Knock off. Just remove the label and if the "MagneFine" name is not molded into the cap then it is the Knock off not a genuine MagneFine.

If the filter is a genuine MagneFine. I would like to offer our assistance to anyone that has an issue to contact myself at - [email protected]
This commitment to quality get's my buy in.

Originally Posted By: Magnefine
It has been brought to our attention that there is some issues with the MagneFine In line Filter. In reply to any issue that you find I would like to advise that we warranty the product for its operation and performance.

I would also like to advise that there is a Knock Off in line filter that looks exactly like the MagneFine. This copy is Made in China and is sold on line and in some the same traditional distribution outlets, like the ones mentioned in the Forums.
Over the last 9 months we have been inundated with reports from customers that the MagneFine filter is failing or leaking between the cap and the body seam. In 99% of cases it has been the knock off filter that the customer has and not a MagneFine filter.

To identify the genuine MagneFine filter from the Knock off. Just remove the label and if the "MagneFine" name is not molded into the cap then it is the Knock off not a genuine MagneFine.

If the filter is a genuine MagneFine. I would like to offer our assistance to anyone that has an issue to contact myself at - [email protected]
Originally Posted By: millerbl00
Anyone install a Magnefine inline filter on a 2012 Silverado? Where did you place it? Pictures would be nice!


Check this out, I think its much more easy and might even be better



Here is how it looks inside and how to attach to radiator... it even has a bypass in-case it gets CLOGED


My buddy ask the rep if he can install the inline filter for his transmission, the rep say he could void his warranty if he add any kind of aftermarket stuff to his truck. mabe you can get away with it if something happent ?
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