1st Ride of Year & Salt - Go or No-Go?

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Dec 27, 2004
Chicago, IL
The temperature here in Chicago is approaching 50F today. The temptation to go riding is almost irresistable! The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. Some leftover snow is the only thing still suggesting that it's winter....and some residual road salt.

I need some opinions about something: Since there is still some residual road salt on the ground, is it a bad idea to take the bike out? Or will hosing the salt off make it alright?
Gilitar, do you mean that you WOULD wait?

There is a really miniscule amount left over. It's just a thin film in certain places, but still enough to produce some light dust I guess...
Originally Posted By: V1
Gilitar, do you mean that you WOULD wait?

There is a really miniscule amount left over. It's just a thin film in certain places, but still enough to produce some light dust I guess...

Doh... yeah I would wait. Also, salt could cause a loss of traction that could lead to a lowside.
I've seen quite a few bikes on the road. My biggest fear was not the salt, it was the sand. I waited for the first good rain to wash off the roads.

With that said....

Go ride, and be careful.
Traction should be alright. Obviously it's not as good as it would be on a hot summer day, but still safe. Salt-related corrosion is my concern. So far you guys are making me feel pretty good about takin'er out though!
My concern with salt of course is rust. Rusty chrome, not good but another concern is electrical connections. Corroded connections are not fun nor sometimes not easy to find. I would wait for a good rain or two. I live about 60 miles South of Chicago not as much snow as you. Roads are OK, rode about 60-70 miles in the past 2 day's. If you can't fight it any longer do what you gotta do.
Yeah, I couldn't hold out any longer. I went for a ride, but it wasn't bad at all. It got a little cold so I had to quit. The bike picked up a very minimal amount of dust.
I ride during the winter if it is in the 40's or above. Just be careful of salt/sand. I usually get on the highway and go for about 45 minutes to an hour to get the bike and oil up to temp.
I did exactly that except without the luxury of warm water. Gave it a pretty thorough spray-down. Rinsed all the nooks and crannies out with a gentle stream from the hose. I feel pretty good about it.
Originally Posted By: harley145000
Nothing like a bike ride to break the cabin fever.

You aren't kidding....went out saturday in 38F but who cares. Bt the salt film does get a bit slippery in the corners...
Pretty lucky here in the Nashville area. Been able to ride to work off and on all winter. Don't ride in the winter rain but going to work when it is in the mid 30s is a piece of cake these days. 30 mile each way commute. Lots easier on gas than my F-150.
Chicago had another snow storm today. Tons of salt was put right back onto the street! It's no fair.
Same here near Detroit. Just had a good rain to wash all the salt off the roads, almost the snow and runoff from melting piles had ceased, and we're getting dumped on as I type!
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