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    Stupid me....

    PC Mighty do I remove ...I know stupid me..I didn't buy it..tried my malwarebytes, cc cleaner and a couple of other programs..this install is worse then "Aids" to get rid of...I know..stupid me...but remember..I'm old!!! Thanks Joe
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    John Deere 15-40

    Originally Posted By: daman Skunk that oil just like any HDEO will work fine in there,it has low to no Moly and a nice add pack with Zinc,phos,calc. just like a MC needs,there's a VOA floating around here someplace look it up, nice built oil!!! Ok..I'm probably wrong but...I thought JD diesel...
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    John Deere 15-40

    Originally Posted By: Camu Mahubah Skunk, I thought you rode a Harley? I did till I got old and couldn't hold it up anymore. I sold it in June of 06. I rode HD for 25 years and still miss it. The Shadow keeps me in the wind and the wife on my back. (She rides with me 90% of the time.) It's...
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    John Deere 15-40

    Well, I did it. Filled the crank in my 750 Honda Shadow with this stuff. It works great..I'll never use anything else in the bike. Trans shifts better then with M1 clutch slip either. This is for your info if anyone is wondering about doing it.
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    Ok..just ordered a Cannon Pixma MX330....thanks a million for the info...Joe PS..I got spell ck neighbor came over.
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    I have a Lexmark worked great for over 5 just won't work with this Dell..I've thought about the Cannon...I've been think'en about one that will print pictures also...I'll go tomorrow and do some shopp'en... thanks guys.. PS..I do I get spell ck working here?? I ain't got to...
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    Ok..lightning struck a fatal blow to my computer and a new system but my printer is not compatable. I need a recommendation for a Dell Inspiron Desktop..i546s-3230..64 bit..
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    Jeep Wrangler wont stay running. Help an oil and filter got fuel diluted.
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    How Did You Find BITOG?

    I was trying to find a cure for my morning startup diesel banging piston slap noise on my '98 454 that the dealer kept telling my it's normal. Guess what...I fixed it when I bought my Ford. I must say that MaxLife did help a lot.
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    Trojan in Quarantine

    Originally Posted By: Drew99GT Go to tools - clear private data. OK what's with Spell Checker..can I put something on the tool bar to hit spell checker? It works automatically on web sites but not on e-mail...Thanks
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    Trojan in Quarantine

    OK..I jumped back to do I delete my browsing history and internet files if I want to??
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    Trojan in Quarantine

    Ok..I'm typing along, then the post will disappear. Anyway, I'm gonna stick with XP for now until I get really upset. Which might not be to far away!!! Thanks for all the help guys.. Joe
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    Trojan in Quarantine

    Testing...testing..I've had 2 messages disappear..
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    Trojan in Quarantine

    Originally Posted By: simple_gifts Quote: I never heard of "Ubuntu" but I'll check it out. The way to go for browsing, email etc... and security updates won't BSOD your machine 8). Ok...just got done scanning the system with "SuperAntiSpyware (free version)" found 210 threats..They...
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    Trojan in Quarantine

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    Trojan in Quarantine

    Hahahaaha..What I meant by not touching my computer is.."I might catch a virus or cold..." It's got so many bugs in it!! The Foxfire has a different format than IE8..I'm just use to IE ..I guess. Plus, some of the addons were "expermintal" whatever that means. I never heard of "Ubuntu" but I'll...
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    Trojan in Quarantine

    Ok Drew..I loaded the Spyware Doctor..they found 2 Trojans, 9 malware and 89 other bugs. I'm afraid to touch my Computer. The question I have is...Is this system safe and reliable and worth the 30 bucks to install? 2) do I need the Register Mechanic for another 20 bucks? 3) will this over ride...
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    Trojan in Quarantine

    I got a Trojan locked down in quarantine. How do I electrocute him?? Have BitDefender for my says that it can't remove it so I put it in quarantine. Thanks
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    IE8 on Windows 7

    Ok..just called WM..they are having problems on their end. I tried the Compatibilty in TOOLS..same I'm sure it's their problem.... Now...I'm having to "Log In" everytime I bring this site up even though I hit the "remember me" tab.... I hate computers...
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    IE8 on Windows 7

    OK..I installed Foxfire...I got the web page for WM but it won't let me submit my order...that might be a problem on WM end..I'll call Monday.. I'm not sure if I like the format..I'll play with it for a couple of days. I'm gonna bring up IE again and try the Compatibility View in TOOLS...thanks